Here’s Why Red Notice’s Reviews Are Disastrous!
Ahead of its Netflix release, Red Notice has received negative reviews with only a 44 percent critic ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. Though the critical consensus doesn’t always qualify to a movie’s box office or steaming success; this early response doesn’t do well either for what is supposed to be Netflix’s most expensive original production.
The movie had a budget of over $160 million and the Red Notice reviewers have been wondering what exactly all of the money was spent on.
At very first glance, the film does have many great elements that should have worked, The Netflix blockbuster stars and fan favorites, and big names; Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot, all are in a fight against each other to be the first ones to locate bejeweled eggs that have been scattered around the world.

Red Notice was inspired by National Treasure and Raiders of the Lost Ark but it lacks the element which made those films so successful. But the critics lament express Red Notice goes wrong and even question how could a movie with such popular actors and a tried and true formula produced something so bad.
Here are some of the Red Notice reviews :
“So concerned with knitting together a mess of double-crosses and false endings that it loses the propulsive drive and excitement of the films it imitates.”
“Alas, writer-director Rawson Marshall Thurber … just doesn’t know when to quit. The winks, the nudges, the stunts, and the surprises come in such a barrage that at some point the charm leaks out of ‘Red Notice,’ leaving only exhaustion behind.”
“This action caper is less a film than a collection of buzzwords.”
“Filled with an excess of everything (including, weirdly, Paul Hollywood), and clearly terrified of taking even the smallest of risks, it’s a $200 million blockbuster buffet aimed at anyone and everyone.”

These reviews make it clear that the film is more concerned about dazzling audiences with more humor, action, star power and should have concentrated on a good narrative. Sadly, Red Notice does nothing to stand out from what it imitates. But there are some areas where Red Notice has been praised too

“It’s all reasonably clever, so long as you don’t scrutinize it too closely.”
“You can’t argue with the muscular marquee value of headlining Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot in a slick, fast-paced action thriller laced with playful comedy, even if it’s an empty-calorie entertainment like Red Notice.”
Though people have pointed out that Johnson, Reynolds, and Gadot were not given enough to make the Red Notice movie work, some did praise their efforts and claimed that their chemistry was able to save the film. Those who like watching movies just for the sake of entertainment maybe would enjoy the film.