The popular streaming services, Disney+, just launched on November 12, 2019. The Streaming Services, Disney+, is finally here surpassing 10 million subscribers already. However, the first few days did give some technical glitches in the form of buffering. Disney+ will also be debuting original Marvel series such as WandaVision and Hawkeye. Now, that is precisely what we are waiting for! Though the Disney+ is available for subscription at just $6.99, an important question is clouding our minds. What options are available if you already have ESPN+?

Already an ESPN+ Subscriber

Already an ESPN+ Subscriber
ESPN+ Subcribers can easily sign up for Disney+.

Sports fans have already signed up for ESPN’s offer for streaming games and various leagues. But those who are looking for content exclusively for entertainment can follow the simple solutions offered by both the services. To get everything, sign up with Disney+ with the same email address already in use for ESPN+. You will be issued a $5.99 credit for the existing Hulu account. Which in their words means, “a credit against the bundle price in an amount equal to the effective monthly price of your existing subscription.”

Already an ESPN+ Subscriber
Disney+ is giving a great bundled deal to its users.

So as a monthly subscriber of ESPN+, you also get a $4.99 of credit each month to remain subscribed. However, it is essential to note that you must sign up with the same email address for both the streaming services. Is the bundled service worth the cost in the long run? Absolutely. It makes sense to have different streaming services available in the same place on your monthly statement.

Benefits for Verizon Users

Benefits for Verizon Users
Verizon users are getting Disney+ free with unlimited data plan.

The package deal is highly beneficial to the Verizon customers. On signing up for an unlimited data plan from Verizon Wireless, you get a free year of Disney+. However, the signed up Disney+ users have their bills placed on hold till the completion of the free year. After the free year passes by, you can buy 12 months of all the Star Wars, Marvel Superheroes and throwback 20th Century Fox movies. Now that is one heck of a deal!

Disney+ is now available on most of the streaming devices.

Source: Comicbook

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