“I did not want to do that movie”: Julia Roberts Flat Out Refused To Star in Her Now-Classic $363.8M Film With Hugh Grant Due To Its “Awful” Concept
Since her screen debut in the 1990s classic Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts has captivated viewers all over the world with her infectious charm, lasting smile, and lovable personality. She is the Oscar Award–winning actress and her amazing career has encompassed a wide array of genres, including thrillers, love stories, heartfelt dramas, and even heist films. Interestingly, despite her incredible success, Julia Roberts hesitated to act in the iconic film Notting Hill as she initially described it as an “awful” concept.

Julia Roberts’ ‘I Don’t Want to Do That Movie’ Moment in Notting Hill
Julia Roberts said in a recent interview with The Guardian that she was initially hesitant to accept the part in the now-classic romantic comedy Notting Hill. She confessed openly, “I did not want to do that movie.” She found the idea of portraying the biggest movie star in the world who falls in love with the proprietor of a bookstore to be “awful.” She couldn’t help but scoff at the narrative since it felt like a worn-out, cliched concept.
Julia Roberts chose to speak with the filmmakers, which caused her perspective to change. She discovered that she really liked the folks behind the initiative, to the point that she finally thought, “What the hell?” and decided to accept the position. She now calls Notting Hill “a great little jewel of a movie,” implying that perhaps her earlier misgivings weren’t warranted.
She told The Guardian:
“I did not want to do that movie,” says Roberts. “The pitch of it sounds awful, right? Do you want to come and play the world’s biggest movie star and then fall in love with the bookshop owner? No!” But she met the film-makers anyway and liked them so much, she shrugged. “‘What the hell?’ I, you know … And it’s this great little jewel of a movie.”
It is noteworthy to remember that Julia Roberts has previously said that she had reservations about the roles that ultimately had tremendous success.
Also read: Julia Roberts Reveals Martin Luther King Jr. Paid For Her Hospital Bill During Her Birth

Can Pretty Woman Work Today? Julia Roberts’s Doubts and Hope
During the same interview with The Guardian, she discussed her well-known portrayal of Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman. Julia Roberts said that after several other actresses had turned down the part, she was the final one. She acknowledged that landing these jobs usually requires some luck and good fortune. She said to The Guardian,
“It really is not a measure of talent, particularly in the beginning. It’s a measure of good fortune – and being able to have your wits about you enough to make something out of that good fortune.”

However, when it comes to revisiting the idea of a Pretty Woman reboot in today’s conditions of changing sexual politics ideas, Julia expressed doubt. She said to The Guardian,
“I don’t really think you could make that movie now, right? So many things you could poke a hole in, but I don’t think it takes away from people being able to enjoy it”
She questioned whether such a movie could be made now, considering the potential criticisms and issues that could be raised. Nevertheless, she believes that people can still enjoy the original film despite its flaws.
Also read: One Julia Roberts Disaster Movie Got Major Help from Former President Barack Obama
Source. The Guardian