The famous singer, Britney Spears had gotten married to an Iranian-American model, Sam Asghari. The happiness was soon to die down as she reveals a horrifying truth. After getting down from all the excitement of the marriage, the singer opens up about some demons in her past on her Instagram page, which she deleted after posting.

Britney Spears was prescribed hard medicine for simple conditions

Britney Spears
Britney Spears

On Instagram, the singer recently posted a few screenshots of texts she sent to her mother and her friend Jansen Fitzgerald. The snapshots were taken in 2019. This was during the singer’s forced admission to a mental health facility. She seemed to be portraying her side of the mental story as the caption read “It’s a little different with proof.“. Some of her mother’s texts were read.

“He was saying he wants to UP the seraquil [sic] and I’m like whoaaaaaaa horsey go f–k yourslwf [sic].”

“Seraquil I thought was a sleep aid but it’s for bipolar and is WAAAAAY Stronger than lithium.”

Seroquel, an antipsychotic medication also known as quetiapine, is used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, among other mood disorders, according to WebMD.

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The prescriber just so happened to be her own father

Jamie Spears and his daughter, Britney Spears
Jamie Spears and his daughter, Britney Spears

It’s unclear if the singer was referring to a medical professional or her father, Jamie Spears, who was her conservator and supervised her medical care. Although, it might just be her father considering their relationship for the past few years.

When Britney’s conservatorship began in 2008, a judge in Los Angeles selected an attorney to represent her. Before she was given the option to choose her own legal representation in 2021. She then inquired about lithium, a mood-stabilizing medicine that Britney said in 2021 made her feel “drunk,” after learning that Britney’s team had allegedly changed her prescription without her knowledge.

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Britney Spears comes out with the truth WITH proof

Britney Spears exposes texts sent to her parents
Britney Spears exposes texts sent to her parents

I literally feel all [sic] the sick medicine in my stomach,” Britney Spears continued in her text to her mother, Lynne Spears. “I feel like he’s trying to kill me.” In her caption, Britney Spears clarified that she did not get any response from her mother at the time. However, later when she got out of the facility, Lynne Spears did reach out. The singer wrote: “Her words were ‘You should have let me visit you and give you a hug.’

In the second screenshot, the singer asked her childhood friend Jansen Fitzgerald to assist her in finding new legal counsel. When Britney Spears’s conservatorship began in 2008, a judge in Los Angeles selected an attorney to represent her. Before she was given the option to choose her own legal representation in 2021.

After Jamie Spears, who has denied any misconduct, was suspended as Britney Spears’s conservator in September, the formal arrangement was entirely terminated in November of last year.

Source: Instagram

Also Read: ‘I feel like he’s trying to kill me’: Britney Spears Now Deleted Texts Reveal Her Psychopathic Monster Father Gave Her Life-Threatening Drugs During Conservatorship

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