An unnamed woman suing Oscar winner Jamie Foxx for alleged s*xual assault has requested to remain classified as “Jane Doe” throughout their high-profile legal skirmish. In court documents, the plaintiff says Foxx’s fame exposes her to distress and danger if her identity becomes public.

What Concerns Does The Accuser Have About Exposure?

Jamie Foxx in The Burial
Jamie Foxx in The Burial

As per Radar Online, according to Doe, the extensive coverage of her s*xual assault lawsuit against mega-star Jamie Foxx has already put her safety at risk and caused emotional trauma. She conveyed feeling anxiety, lack of sleep, and distress over the case proceedings.

“I have already experienced significant shock, shame, and embarrassment for my disclosure due to the prominence and celebrity status of the defendant,” Jane Doe wrote about the risks she faces. 

Foxx firmly denies her accusations stemming from a 2015 incident.

Doe argued that the revelation of her name would result in further anguish, on top of the “psychological and emotional injuries” she claims Foxx inflicted in 2015. Her court filing indicates the daunting scrutiny faced by accusers of famous figures.

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How Has Jamie Foxx Responded To The Allegations?

Jamie Foxx in The Burial
Jamie Foxx in The Burial

Through legal representatives, Jamie Foxx forcefully contested the merits of Doe’s s*xual assault claims from over seven years ago. Noting she brought a “nearly identical” suit against him in 2020, Foxx sees the revived case as equally baseless.

His attorneys asserted confidence that, like two years prior, the current allegations “will be dismissed again.” Furthermore, Foxx reportedly may pursue countersuits against both Doe and her lawyers for malicious prosecution after achieving exoneration.

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What Started The Accuser’s Legal Fight With Jamie Foxx?

Jamie Foxx in The Burial
Jamie Foxx in The Burial

Doe’s initial 2020 complaint, withdrawn after filing, echoed details in her latest lawsuit lodged this February. She alleges that Foxx groped and assaulted her during an encounter in August 2015 at a lounge in New York City.

In addition to reputational damages, the plaintiff seeks financial restitution for suffering she claims Foxx inflicted. While adamantly proclaiming his innocence, the actor now faces continued legal headaches fighting Doe’s revived lawsuit.

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