Annie Murphy is known for playing the role of Alexis Rose in Schitt’s Creek. She is greatly loved by fans of the show and even has an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Schitt’s Creek. The actress recently shared her struggles with birth control pills and gave a new perspective to the ongoing debate about women’s reproductive health in the USA.

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Annie Murphy talks about taking the birth control pill at the age of 16

Annie Murphy
Annie Murphy started taking birth control pills at 16

According to Aceshowbiz, the actress shared her experiences of using the birth pill when she was a teenager and did not have much awareness about them. The actress sought a doctor’s advice and started taking birth control pills as per their direction. The actress stated,

“It was like, ‘Here’s the pill, this is the thing that you use. So kind of no questions asked, my young 16-year-old brain was like, ‘I trust this doctor, they want what’s best for me.’ And I started on the pill.”

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Annie Murphy says birth pills led to the downfall of her mental health

Annie Murphy
Annie Murphy shares mental health struggles

The Emmy-award-winning actress also talked about how the pills had a major impact on her mental health. Moreover, the actress also shared that it took her quite some time to figure out that her low moods were a side-effect of the pills. The actress said,

“I would have goblin days where I just didn’t even recognize myself; I was feeling really, really sad, really down, really anxious. Slowly, I started putting two and two together and realizing that it was the pill that was causing these really big ups and downs.”

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Annie Murphy’s advice to women who are taking birth control pills

Annie Murphy
Annie Murphy gives advice to women about birth control pills

The actress stressed the need to do proper research before taking birth control and talked about looking for other options that suit their health since different women might require different pills.

“There are so many options out there. Maybe Phexxi isn’t for everybody, but it is an option that I had not heard about at all. And I genuinely hadn’t heard about anything but the pill and the NuvaRing – it was limited to those forms of birth control. And that, to me, is really disappointing because different women have different needs and different levels of comfort about what they put into their body. And there are so many products out there that we aren’t educated about,” she added.

The actress also talked about the doctors did not help her much and never made her aware that there are other options available.

“That was the struggle, you know, the content really wasn’t there and I feel like the doctors, no one really had the desire to pursue any kind of education with me.”

According to the star, the lack of awareness and advice to women about their reproductive health is a major issue and one that needs to be resolved by healthcare professionals.

Source: Aceshowbix

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