Robin Williams was a very famous name in the celebrity world. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest comedians of all time. It took the whole world by surprise when Williams died by committing suicide back in 2014. The actor was married to Susan Schneider back then who was heartbroken by the loss of her husband. Once in an interview, Susan Schneider talked about the actual nature of Williams and that it was very different from what the world thought him to be.

Robin WIlliams
Robin Williams

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Susan Schneider revealed the true nature of Robin Williams at home

Robin Williams had one of the best improvisational skills that the world has ever seen. With that and his never dying, charisma, the American actor had just the ability to draw people toward him. That’s why his suicide is regarded as one of the saddest events in the history of celebrities. But, his true nature at home was very different than what met the eye of his fans. Once in an interview, his wife Schneider talked about her late husband and his true nature at home.

Robin Williams and Susan Schneider
Robin Williams and Susan Schneider

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Susan Schneider revealed that he was not at all like the funny guy he was on the sets. She said, “The man at home, my husband, he was quiet, contemplative, an intellectual. The standup and acting, that was his work“. Despite what everyone thought, Schneider made her views clear on where she stood with William’s work. She said, “People tend to assume that the guy he was on stage was the guy he was at home, and let me make it clear: I would never marry somebody like that.

Susan Schneider allegedly first met her late husband at the Apple Store

During the same interview, Schneider talked about her first meeting with Williams. Back in 2007, Robin Williams was still married to Marsha Garces. Susan Schneider said that she saw a man who looked very similar to Robin Williams at the Apple store. She said, “I walked in and saw this man and I thought: ‘I think that’s Robin Williams.’” Then on her way out, she saw Williams smiling at her so she went to greet the star. She said, “How’s that camo working out for you?” The Hook actor allegedly replied, “Not too good – you found me.

Robin Williams and Susan Schneider
Robin Williams and Susan Schneider

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On August 11, 2014, Williams committed suicide at his Paradise Bay residence. After his death, his autopsy revealed that the comedian was also suffering from undiagnosed Lewy body disease.

Source: The Guardian

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