A law career is probably one of the most divergent things about Kim Kardashian and her entire personality. The reality TV star who owns multiple businesses is known for her bold fashion choices, her imbecilic remarks about this and that, her dating life, and being rich (mostly) among many other things. However, a serious academic venture is something no one expected from the beauty mogul.

Her venture into the legal world also made headlines when Kim K cited it as an excuse for not giving Pete Davidson babies and making him the father of his dreams. That was probably for the good, as the couple separated just a few days later. And now, Kardashian has finally revealed to the world why a law career is so important to her.

Kim Kardashian revealed why she chose a law career
Kim Kardashian revealed why she decided to pursue a career in law

Also Read: ‘Kim Is Getting Serious About Her Lawyer Career’: Kim Kardashian Reportedly About to Dash Pete Davidson’s Ultimate ‘Dream’ of Having More Kids

Failed three times before final success

Kim K was recently on Hilary and Chelsea Clinton’s documentary series Gutsy where the SKIMS owner talked about the real motivation behind her legal career, as per a report by Insider. 

Kim Kardashian on Hilary Clinton docuseries Gutsy
Kim Kardashian was recently on Chelsea and Hilary Clinton’s docuseries Gutsy

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star revealed that it was for her kids that she stepped into this new domain. Kim K failed the “baby bar law” exam three times in two years, and according to her, “My kids were there every time I opened my results.” She finally passed the exam in December 2021. Reminiscing the moment of joy that she shared with her kids, Kardashian said, “They saw me cry the best tears of happiness that like, I did it. I mean, that is one of the reasons that I just fight so hard.”

Also Read: Kim Kardashian Reveals New Project: A True Crime Podcast ‘The System’ and We Don’t Know What’s Worse-Kim Trying to be a True Crime Expert or That Internet Let Her Pretend as One

Kim Kardashian wants to save her children from racist discrimination

Kim Kardashian wants to become a lawyer for her kids
Kim K would rather become a lawyer for her kids than hire one?

Kim Kardashian‘s line of reasoning was based on society’s latent racism and how it is harder out there for black children compared to white ones.

“If my kids were to get arrested, just don’t have as good of a chance if I were to get arrested, if you were to get arrested, or my kids.”

Kardashian has shared similar concerns previously as well when she discussed in an earlier interview about raising “four black kids in this society”. She said, “I want to do as much as I can to make their lives easier.”

It is definitely surprising to see one of the most famous and privileged people in the world believing that her family could be a victim of racism. However, her sentiment as a mother seems pure enough. Every mother would want to protect her child, although some might logically say that she does have the resources to hire the best lawyer in the world.

Also Read: ‘Didn’t know I needed one’: Kim Kardashian Breaks Silence On Fans Calling Her ‘Talentless’ After Infamous Albino Jockstrap Pic

Source: Geo News
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