For his outstanding work as the Dark Knight, Michael Keaton, the adored actor who memorably played Batman in Tim Burton’s films, received a ton of praise. His amazing performance was praised by both viewers and critics, making him a fan favorite in the part.

Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton

When Tim Burton was replaced as director for the third movie, Keaton made the decision to end his run as the famous superhero. Keaton described the reason for his resignation as issues with the script that the new director, Joel Schumacher, had accepted. But in a surprising development, Keaton recently put on the iconic Batman cape once more for the film The Flash. What’s truly amazing is that he didn’t even have to work out to get into the attire.

Michael Keaton did not need to exercise in order to fit into the Batman costume

The amazing 72-year-old actor Michael Keaton made a startling comeback as Batman in The Flash. He discussed his past as the renowned DC superhero and his experience coming back to the role after so many years in an interview with Sally James.

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Michael Keaton as Batman
Michael Keaton as Batman

Keaton recalled the experience of putting on the Batman suit after 31 years as a little insane, a little emotional, and strangely familiar. For him, it was a trip down memory lane. Unexpectedly, he disclosed that he didn’t need to engage in rigorous physical activity to fit into the iconic suit. The fact that Keaton still carried the same measurements as he did during his earlier days as Batman filled him with great joy. He boasted to Sally James in the interview that was published in The New Indian Express saying, “I’m still the same measurements I was back in the day. I slipped right into the suit, although this one was a little better than the first.”

Even though it was difficult for him to wear due to his claustrophobia, he said that this Batman suit was a little more comfortable than the first. However, he used this sense of obstacle as a tool for his role, enhancing the strong moves of Batman with the stiffness of the suit. It was a unique strategy that he and director Tim Burton had developed while working together on Batman and Batman Returns.

Michael Keaton had concerns about playing Batman

It’s difficult to believe that an actor like Michael Keaton, who played the part of Batman with such ease, had concerns about taking the role. When questioned about his original thoughts about playing Batman, Michael Keaton said that he had some reservations. He wasn’t extremely knowledgeable about superhero comics or the Batman character at the time. Keaton remembered reading Tim Burton’s script and having trouble picturing how someone could make a movie based on how he saw the character. Burton simply nodded in return as he openly expressed his worries.

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Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton

Frank Miller’s Batman comics, which Keaton had never read before, were recommended to him by Burton. According to Keaton, Tim Burton completely changed the movie and shaped it into what it ultimately became. Keaton noted that while comic book movies have become a huge cultural phenomenon, Tim Burton’s Batman was the film that first popularized the superhero movie genre as we know it today.

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Source: The New Indian Express

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