Invincible Season 3 Won’t Repeat Second Season’s Mistake in its Most Exciting Update from Showrunner Simon Racioppa
Robert Kirkman’s brainchild, Invincible, made its debut on Amazon Prime in 2021, captivating audiences with its dynamic storytelling and compelling characters. The success of Season 1 propelled the animated series forward, paving the way for Season 2, along with an exciting update on Season 3.
The showrunner for Amazon Studios’ Invincible, Simon Racioppa, has assured that the upcoming Season 3 will address a key concern of Invincible fans: the dreaded hiatuses between seasons.

Racioppa has boldly stated that Invincible Season 3 won’t see the lengthy gaps between seasons. This news brings a sigh of relief to fans, who can now anticipate a more consistent and timely release schedule for their beloved series.
Invincible Season 3 Promises to Eliminate Major Gaps Between Seasons

Invincible has solidified its place as a beloved animated superhero series in the hearts of fans. Yet, fans raised a common concern over the show amidst the anticipation surrounding the second season. The issue is nothing but the extended waits between seasons.
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However, the showrunner and producer Simon Racioppa has recently come up with an exciting update for fans, eliminating worries about the future pacing of the series. Racioppa recently assured that Season 3 won’t repeat the lengthy hiatus experienced between Season 1 and 2.
Simon Racioppa told The Direct,
“Amazon picked up two and three together. So, we are deep in Season 3 at this point. So I can’t tell you exactly [when], but I can tell you it will not be the same wait between [seasons] 1 and 2… We’re well in progress on Season 3, and it’s coming along great.”
Racioppa also cited that Invincible Season 3 is already in motion, with its production process underway. Racioppa’s announcement has injected renewed enthusiasm into the fan base, signaling a promising future for Invincible.
Fans become worried after waiting for a nearly three-year for season 2 after the release of the first season. And now the concern even raised to another level as the second season has also been released into two parts, giving a big hiatus in the middle of them.
Season 2 of Invincible comprises a total of eight episodes. The initial four episodes premiered in November 2023, leaving audiences on edge for the subsequent installment. Later, the remaining four episodes are slated for release starting on March 14.
Also Read: Invincible Season 2 Premiere Day Finally Revealed
Superhero Series Invincible Season 3 Will Surpass Season 2

Plenty of material from Robert Kirkman’s original comic series remains untouched, leaving an opportunity for the creators to continue adapting his rich narrative into future seasons of Invincible. The overwhelmingly positive response to Season 2 also serves as a testament to the show’s growing popularity and the audience’s appetite for more.
Adding fuel to the excitement, the showrunner, Simon Racioppa, tantalizingly hinted that the events of Season 2 are just a small part of what’s in store for Season 3. Racioppa told The Direct,
“Half the fun of Season 3 is like, ‘Oh my God, we have to deal with all the stuff that happened in Season 2 and all that ramifications of that, all of the reverberations of that, all the trauma from that’ And how does that change our characters going forward? So that’s really fun because we have these new challenges for our characters in Season 3…”
Moreover, Season 2 saw the introduction of captivating new characters brought to life by the exceptional vocal talents of Sterling K. Brown and Tatiana Maslany, among others. Their performances set the stage for further character exploration and development in Season 3.
Despite Racioppa’s exciting update on the progress of Invincible Season 3, an official release date remains elusive.