Despite being a father of 12 children, 42-year-old Nick Cannon seems to be open to the idea of having more in the future. With it, he also has multiple baby mamas in his life including his ex-wife Mariah Carey with whom he shares a twin.

However,  Cannon found himself in a situation recently while sending his various baby mamas a Mother’s Day letter. According to what he shared, the letters got mixed up, but the real issue was that each letter had been personally written for a particular person. Therefore mixing up was not what Cannon would have ever wanted.

Nick Cannon Shared His Personally Written Mother’s Day Cards Got Mixed Up

Nick Cannon
Nick Cannon

One of the worst things that could happen when it comes to sending a letter or message is when the wrong person receives a letter meant for someone else. This is exactly what happened with Nick Cannon recently as he wrote out personally to his various baby mamas with some getting mixed up.

For those new to the scene, Cannon is a father to 12 children with six different mothers. And as he seems to be in a good rapport with all of them, the tv personality decided to send each one a personal letter of appreciation for Mother’s Day this year.

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What he did not anticipate was that he mixed up some of the cards by accidentally writing a personal message meant for a particular person to the wrong name. Talking about this on the latest episode of his podcast The Daily Cannon, he shared about writing,

handwritten messages from the heart” for each of the women, it just didn’t work out as planned”

Furthermore, he added that if the messages had been “generic s*it”, there would not have been any issue of getting the message mixed up. And jokingly one of his co-hosts won’t be podcast added that if Cannon had not focused on the letters like he did, everything would have been fine.

Nick Cannon
Nick Cannon

As for his idea to write personal letters, Cannon opened up that it felt like a good idea to express what he “felt” about people, and in this case all of his baby mamas.

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Despite Having 12 Kids, Nick Cannon Is Open To The Idea of Having Kids With Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

His recent Mother’s Day card mixup issue kind of gives a glimpse of the type of person that Nick Cannon is when it comes to being a parent. He wrote out personal messages to each of his baby mamas. It shows that he cares equally for all of them. And even after having 12 kids as of present, he seems to be open to the idea of having more kids.

On the Howard Stern Show on April 10 this year, he was questioned whether he was down to having kids with pop singer Taylor Swift. He agreed with enthusiasm that he was willing to if it ever came to it.

For those who may want to know, Cannon has six different partners with whom he shares his 12 children. They include his ex-wife Mariah Carey, (married from 2008-2016). They share a twin named Morrocan and Monroe. Another is Bre Tiesi with whom he shares a son born last year.

He has another baby the same year with Lanisha Cole, a daughter named Onyx. Aside from that, Cannon also shares a twin with Abby De La Rosa. Furthermore, he has three more kids with Brittany Bell.

The most recent kid he fathered was born in November last year to his partner Alyssa Scott. Besides Carey, the tv personality has never married the other women with whom he got involved.

Also Read: Nick Cannon, Father of 12, Reportedly Pays $2.2 Million In Child Support As He Won’t Wear Condoms Despite 3 Failed Relationships

Source: Page Six

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