Recalling his early days at the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tom Hiddleston known for his role as Loki in different Avengers movies has opened about a somewhat painful yet humorous incident from the past. Talking about this Hiddleston expressed his regret for his surprising decision which involved his co-star, Chris Hemsworth, and a hard slap.

Tom Hiddleston
Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston Regrets Asking Chris Hemsworth For an Authentic Fight

The Loki fame Tom Hiddleston has opened up about his regret for requesting his co-star Chris Hemsworth to go in for a real fight. Talking about this on the Stephen Colbert late-night show, Hiddleston revealed that on the set of the first Avengers movie he requested Hemsworth to slap him for real.

Tom Hiddleston as Loki
Tom Hiddleston as Loki

It all started in the first Avenger movie where Thor had to strike Loki across the face. Although Hiddleston was wearing the infamous Loki horns which weigh about 30 lbs. With so much weight on his head, it was difficult for him to sell the scene. Hence to make the shoot appear more real Hiddleston requested Hemsworth to hit him for real which he regrets to date.

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Talking about this at the Stephen Colbert Late-Night Show, Hiddleston said “Actually, there was a scene in the first ‘Avengers’ movie, where Thor had to strike Loki across the face and I was wearing the horns that weigh about 30lbs. I couldn’t quite sell the hit, the smack, so I said to Chris, ‘I think you should just hit me in the face’. It was a terrible idea, and I went down like a stone.”

This incident sheds light on the efforts and commitment shown by the actors to nail a scene even if it means taking on some calculated risks for the sake of authenticity.

The Fan-Favourite Character of Tom Hiddleston Loki Is Said To Appear In Deadpool 3

Tom Hiddleston’s fan-favourite character Loki aka the God of Mischief is rumored to appear in Ryan Reynolds’ much much-awaited Deadpool 3. While Reynolds’ Deadpool 3 is confirmed to be a Multiversal affair it is said to involve Loki’s TVA.

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool
Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

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Not only this, reports also indicated that as the story of Deadpool 3 unfolds, at least two characters from Loki will appear in Deadpool 3 which will be Owen Wilson’s Mobius and Tara Strong’s Miss Minutes. Also, as TVA will be on the hunt for Merc with the Mouth, fans hope to see at least a cameo of Loki with his time-policing companion Mobius.

Source: The Late Night Show with Stephen Colbert, The Direct 


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