The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has been in the spotlight since 2018 when she married Prince Harry. But it is not just her royal life that has been making headlines. Her relationship with her father Thomas Markle has also been in the public eye for quite some time now. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Mark Jones

Prince Harry and Meghan left the royal family in 2020 after allegedly facing racism. Moreover, they wanted more privacy, financial freedom, and overall control over their lives when they decided to move to California with their son Archie. Later, they had a daughter named Lilibet. Since then, they have been living away from the royal duties.

Thomas Markle Believes He Is Better Than Meghan and Harry

Thomas Markle
Thomas Markle | via Good Morning Britain YouTube

Thomas Markle’s recent remarks on his relationship with Meghan show that he is still not over what happened between him and her. He has not seen his daughter in years now and he is yet to meet his grandchildren, which is one of the things that is troubling him.

Thomas is about to turn 80 but he doesn’t want people to feel sorry for whatever happened with him and his daughter. However, in an interview with Daily Mail, he expressed that he is still upset about whatever happened to him. He said,

When you look at what Harry and Meghan have done since, like accusing the Royal Family of racism, it’s far worse than anything I’ve done. I don’t want pity and I don’t want this episode to define my life. I don’t want to be a footnote in history.

The rift between Meghan Markle and Thomas started when he infamously staged paparazzi photos with a British tabloid. However, talking about that time, he confessed,

When the drama started with Meghan and Harry I was already well into my 70s and, while I did not realize it at the time, I was vulnerable.

Thomas feels like the whole drama with Meghan and Harry has overshadowed his life. He’s proud of what he’s done in his career, but now all anyone talks about is his family drama. In his Daily Mail interview, he said that he doesn’t want to be a “footnote in history.”

Thomas Markle Believes He Shares Similar Situation With King Charles

King Charles
King Charles | via The Royal Family Instagram

Thomas Markle isn’t just upset about his relationship with Meghan. He also questions the way Meghan and Prince Harry have treated the Royal Family, especially King Charles. He feels they both are “in the same boat” in this situation.

Thomas feels that both he and King Charles have a lot of questions to be answered. While speaking to Daily Mail, he expressed his interest in talking with King Charles.

Neither of us deserves the treatment we’ve received. He is going through cancer treatment, and I’m not in the best of health. I have so many questions I’d like to ask Meghan and Harry. The main one being, why have they treated not only me but the royal family and the king so badly?

Thomas also talked about longing to see his grandkids, Archie and Lilibet. He expressed that the kids have two grandfathers and one of them is the King of England.

As his 80th birthday gets closer, Thomas is still hoping to hear from Meghan. However, he feels it’s still unlikely. Although he admits that he has said some harsh things about Meghan and Harry in public over the years, he wishes they could have worked things out.

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