Amid all the rumors floating in the air about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship, JLo is reportedly planning to have an unforgettable Christmas this year. This is the first Christmas the pair will be celebrating as a married couple. And according to a source, their house already has a very festive and gorgeous look to it with all the decorations. It is not a surprise as the Ain’t Your Mama singer’s favorite holiday is Christmas. And with Affleck in her life, the holiday means a lot more to Lopez this year reportedly. The celebration is going to include their children and JLo’s family together under one roof. Additionally, Affleck is also planning on giving a special and sentimental Christmas present to his wife.

Jennifer Lopez is Planning to Go All-Out For this Christmas

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

With the Christmas holiday around the corner, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are also gearing up for the celebration. The 2022 Christmas is going to be JLo and Affleck’s first one as Husband and Wife. And therefore, it probably means a lot to the couple. A source shared with ET recently saying,

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“Jen’s favorite holiday is Christmas, so she always goes all out, but this is a very exciting time for them as a couple”

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

Furthermore, the Christmas tree and other decorations are already up in their house. The same source also shared that the decorations were carried out by both Lopez and Affleck together with their children. And with everything lit up their “ house feels festive and looks gorgeous ” according to the source. Also reportedly, the Hustlers actor wants this year’s Christmas celebration to be more special than usual. As shared by a source, “since it’s their first Christmas as husband and wife”, which explains the singer’s enthusiasm.

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The Couple’s Plans For Each Other This Christmas

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

Both Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are high in spirits for this year’s Christmas Celebration. They got married back in August and now it is their first Christmas as a married couple. Both of them are reportedly planning on making the celebration special for each other. According to ET, a source shared that Lopez’s family will be joining them for the holiday.

“Jen, her mom and sister are amazing cooks, so they are looking forward to being with each other and eating amazing food.”

Clearly, the Lopez-Affleck home would not be going out of delicious food this Christmas. The source also revealed what the Argo actor is planning to give his wife JLo as a present. Reportedly some presents are going to be things that are “special” and “sentimental. Which apparently took Affleck a long time to find. On top of that, as a surprise, he would gift her pieces of jewelry along with other big presents.

Also Read: “She wants them to work 16 hours a day for entire week”: Jennifer Lopez and Ex-Husband Marc Anthony Made Their Nanny Suffer, Refused to Pay Overtime and Vacation Holidays Despite Their Combined $500M Fortune 

Source: Marca

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