Dakota Johnson is famous for a plethora of things. Ranging from her acting stint in the Fifty Shades franchise to her cackling wit and sarcastic sense of humor, to her beautiful sage green kitchen that made fans fall in love, to being the one who hammered the first nail at the coffin of Ellen DeGeneres’ reputation’s grave, and brought to the fore that she is not as nice a person as she had projected herself as for over two decades.

That’s a lot of reasons to love Dakota Johnson. However, the actress also caught her fans’ attention when she confessed to exploring her sexuality years ago.

Dakota Johnson and her sage green kitchen
Dakota Johnson won hearts with her sage green kitchen decor and her lime joke

Dakota Johnson on her sexuality

Dakota Johnson in conversation with Vogue back in 2017, had confessed, “I’ve been in a phase of my life where I’m fascinated by young women coming to terms with their s*xuality. I guess, by proxy, I have been experiencing that in my own life, and it’s very interesting to me.”

Now, this was indeed a bit convoluted statement but it is not hard to work through the layers and speculatively conclude that this does sound like a sort of coming-out statement. And more so, fans found another hidden innuendo in Johnson’s words, and that they alluded to Cara Delevingne.

Dakota Johnson for Vogue in 2017
Dakota Johnson for Vogue in 2017

Cara Delevinge had come out as bisexual in 2015. The Paper Town actress had confessed how her old-fashioned and regressive English orthodox family made it hard for her to come to terms with her sexuality, especially confessing before her family. She shared how in the past she even used to use the word ‘gay’ in a derogatory sense.

Also Read: ‘Was it in the Fifty Shades movie?’: Dakota Johnson Shocks Everyone With Her Bizarre Skin-Care Routine Involving a Vibrator

A rumored romance

Cara Delevingne and Dakota Johnson rumoredly dated as the latter confessed to exploring her bisexuality
Dated or not?

Soon after Johnson made the statement to Vogue, pictures of her with Delevingne started to surface on the internet. They seemed so cozy and intimate with each other that fans were quick to speculate about the possibility of romance between the two.

A fan tweeted, “I’m not surprised that Dakota Johnson is bisexual. The mere fact that she’s seen with Cara De Lavigne tells you otherwise. Go, Girl! live your truth & be happy #DakotaJohnson”

Even later in 2020, when news that Dakota Johnson is probably not straight resurfaced to the fore, some fans felt incredulous that this wasn’t public knowledge yet.

A user wrote, “all this news about Dakota johnson not being straight… like y’all didn’t know??? she dated Cara delevigne in ‘17”

Dakota Johnson has been in a relationship with Coldplay frontman, Chris Martin since 2017 and the two seem to be going strong.

Cara Delevingne is in the news for her terrifying mental breakdown due to raging substance abuse. Her friends, fans, and family are rooting for her to join rehab and get better.

Also Read: ‘Cara’s loved ones trying to stage an intervention before it’s too late’: Amber Heard’s Alleged Ex Cara Delevingne Got So Insanely Addicted To Drugs Her Family Tried Saving $50M Hollywood Fortune

Source: Vogue, Twitter

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