In the world of the Cinematic Universe of Superheroes, there will always be a fight between the Marvel and DC universe as both of them have a huge fan base. Whether it is storylines, the characters, or the cinematography, both Marvel and DC have been in an eye-to-eye competition. One who starts watching movies from the respective comic universe ends up picking a side and staying there forever. But exceptions are always there. We can note Director James Gunn as the one who has crossed paths and worked for both the Comic Book Universe.


Director James Gunn during a promotion event of Gurdians of the Galaxy
Director James Gunn during a promotion event of Guardians of the Galaxy

Director James Gunn has created incredible movies for the Marvel universe named “Guardians of the Galaxy.” He switched the cinematic universe when he was offered to direct a DC’s film called “The Suicide Squad.”

It “was a possibility” says Gunn in an interview regarding the offer of Superman Solo movie

In an interview with Empire, he recently revealed that he was once almost offered a Superman movie and that it “was a possibility.”

James Gunn on turning down the Superman Movie
James Gunn on turning down the Superman Movie

Gunn says The Suicide Squad came beforehand

Gunn acknowledged at the interview that it happened before he decided on The Suicide Squad. He said that he chose The suicide Squad as it was one of his favorite properties to work on. He further added that it was the story he wanted to tell more than any other information.

Director James Gunn during the shoot of The Suicide Squad
Director James Gunn during the shoot of The Suicide Squad

Gunn clarified his point on choosing The Suicide Squad as it “will by far have the most and the biggest practical sets of any movie I’ve ever worked on.”

Turning down Superman was in favor of working on a film which can be directed better

             James Gunn confirms the turning down of directing a Superman movie in favor of working on the film, which he thinks he can direct better and in a more innovative way, and that movie is none other than “The Suicide Squad.”

Let us wait for the day when we would see the magic created by Gunn in the DC movie. After entering the DC world, the director will take up a Marvel movie to direct what will be further a question.


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