James McAvoy talks about his son’s intelligence.

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James McAvoy said, “He’s also got this fatherly matter where he believes his kids are capable of a lot more and he’s got the unlimited potential for them all. And that is good! That seems positive, but does that cross into pushing your child too far? Not that she is a kid, but she is kind of like his daughter. He pushes her way too far, and she suffers horribly for it.” When it comes to Jean Grey’s descent into insanity and power from the X-Men franchise, it’s tough to pick anyone motive behind her downfall in Dark Phoenix. But then, one of the celebrities of the franchises is not shying away from responsibility and is instead of taking the blame for the merry mutants’ most current predicament.

Professor Xavier continually wants to do what is ideal for mutants and students.

Xavier continually wants to do what is ideal for mutants and students.
Professor Xavier continually wants to do what is ideal for mutants and students.

The film does not shy away from painting Professor Xavier in a morally ambiguous light, especially after his actions during the last couple of movies. Dark Phoenix might demonstrate that while Xavier continually wants to do what is ideal for mutants and students, he does not always make the perfect call. “I have been blessed! I think he has been very intricate. He was damaged in earlier and had to cure himself or let other men and women help him cure, and at this particular one, he is not damaged, but he’s damaging — from a fantastic place,” said James McAvoy. “He’s still hurting people, you understand, since he’s got this vanity and this god complex where he thinks he can fix everyone. This mantra he’s, that it is good inside everyone, that’s a beautiful thing, but I think that it’s carried to the point where he feels that he has to win this.

Also Read: Fox-Marvel Almost Did A Superhero Team-Up Movie Even Before The Avengers First Assembled On-screen.

Dark Phoenix is now playing in theatres.

Dark Phoenix is now playing in theatres.
Dark Phoenix is now playing in theatres.

He has to prove this to prove he’s correct, and that’s not necessarily the same thing as doing what is ideal for the person in front of you.” Dark Phoenix is now playing in theatres. Professor Xavier celebrity James McAvoy recently admitted to CBR that his character ought to take the blame for what happens in Dark Phoenix. According to the star, it all comes right down to his vanity and his inability to fix everyone he comes into contact with.

Source: Comicbook, Fandango


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