The sixth and last installment in the Jurassic Park franchise, Jurassic World: Dominion, will be released next week. Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, and Neill reprise their roles from the original 1993 film to commemorate the conclusion of a great franchise. It takes place four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar. Dinosaurs coexist with people in the present world, hunting and living alongside them. The intricacy of this situation will influence the future and determine whether humans will remain the top predators on a planet they now share with history’s most terrifying creatures.

Jurassic World: Dominion
Jurassic World: Dominion

When the first Jurassic Park was released, it became one of the biggest box office hits of all time. When the franchise was resurrected decades later with Jurassic World, it became one of the biggest film office blockbusters in history. The cast of the original film, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum, will join Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard in Jurassic World: Dominion, bringing the two trilogies together for the first time since the first film. Fans are ecstatic, and Jeff Goldblum is gushing over Dominion, calling it “unbelievable.”

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It was Trippy says Jeff Goldblum on Working with Jurassic Park OG cast

Jeff Goldblum on TRIPPY Reunion With Jurassic Park Co-Stars (Exclusive)

During an interview with EW, when asked how Jeff Goldblum feels looking at the original quad coming back for the sixth and last installment. Goldblum revealed that it was “great” and kinda “trippy” to get back with the whole team together. He then appreciated Colin Trevorrow saying that for decades he had this whole trilogy in mind and also the ways to execute it all. He then appreciates Pat Riley for being a great coach and setting the tone, says Riley is one generous and great leader.

Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park
Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park

While both Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum have appeared in other Jurassic Park films, the original film’s three actors have yet to reunite. Anyone who enjoyed the first Jurassic Park, including the characters, is sure to be ecstatic to see the three of them together again. Jeff Goldblum compared meeting Neil and Laura Dern again to a high school reunion in an interview with, though he confesses he’s never been to one. He claims that the original film transformed everyone’s life, therefore doing it all over again was particularly delightful.

“It’s great. I’ve never been to a high school reunion or a school reunion, but I can imagine it’s not… I think I’m spoiled. It’s not going to be this good. Because we had such an unforgettable, life-changing time. We were directed by Steven Spielberg. We wound up in a movie that became popular, that people got a big kick out of over the last couple of decades. I see their excited faces. It made a big difference, changed our lives, and my friendship with them changed my life, so seeing them… It really did, and seeing them again was unbelievable.”

Jurassic Park Films
Jurassic Park Films

We’d all wanted to see the Jurassic Park gang together again sooner rather than later, but, like with so many films in recent years, delays in development and a wait-and-see approach to distribution meant it wasn’t to be. Dominion, like other films, experienced difficulties owing to COVID outbreaks, which necessitated a delay in the release of the next Jurassic World picture. However, it appears like the delays are now resolved, and Jurassic World: Dominion will be released in June.

Source – EW, ComicBook

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