Popular Hollywood couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are back in the media spotlight. This time, it is not for their reunion or the famous red carpet events. Currently, there are speculations that Affleck and Lopez may be parting ways after almost two years of marriage.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's wedding
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s wedding | via Jennifer Lopez’s Instagram

As the drama unfolds, Affleck’s ex-wife, Jennifer Garner comes into the light. Affleck and Garner have three children together, and since their divorce, she has remained close to him. But in recent events, Garner has had a rather complicated role to play.

Jennifer Garner Doesn’t Want Ben Affleck to Be Alone

Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Garner | via Jennifer Garner’s Instagram

The situation between Affleck, Lopez, and Garner appears very complicated. Garner finds herself in an unexpected position amid Affleck’s rough marriage with Jennifer Lopez. But it seems like she is stepping in to support her ex-husband at this delicate time.

According to sources in Life & Style magazine, Garner has been spending more time with Affleck recently. She’s been spotted visiting his new rental home in Brentwood, even having a key to let herself in. An insider revealed,

People close to Ben have been concerned about him for some time. He’s in a bad place and has been isolating.

This concern seems to be the reason behind Jennifer Garner‘s increased presence in Affleck’s life. However, her concern for Affleck is more personal because of the children she shares with him. The insider further says,

She won’t let that happen..Jen’s moved on from Ben as a husband, but because of the children they share, she’ll always feel responsible for him.

Moreover, the insider also believes that Garner had doubts about Affleck’s marriage to Lopez from the beginning. But she is more concerned about the Justice League actor “spiraling worse than before”. This isn’t the first time she has supported Affleck during difficult times.

After their divorce in 2015, she allowed him to live in her guesthouse to be close to their children. In 2018, she even drove him to rehab as he was struggling with alcoholism (via People). It seems that despite their divorce, Garner still feels a sense of responsibility towards Affleck.

Jennifer Garner’s Necessary Boundary With Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck
Ben Affleck at San Diego Comic Con International | Image by Gage Skidmore, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Although Garner’s concern for Ben Affleck is evident, some reports suggest she may be taking a step back from the situation. This decision might be due to a reason rooted in their past.

According to the Daily Mail, Garner has been acting as a “counselor” to Affleck as he is having marital issues with Lopez. However, this role has apparently taken its toll on her. A source revealed,

Jen eventually got to a place where she was like, ‘Sorry, figure this out yourself. It was beginning to become too painful for her because it was bringing back so many memories of their divorce.

Garner’s friends have reportedly advised her to keep some boundaries with Affleck. They are concerned that her involvement in his marital problems could potentially strain her relationship with her current boyfriend, John Miller. An insider told In Touch,

Some friends believe Jen should step back from Ben a bit because it might cause tension in her relationship with John if she doesn’t. 

Nevertheless, Garner still remains affectionate toward Affleck. The Life & Style insider said it’s a delicate balance of caring for the father of her children while also prioritizing her own happiness and current relationship.

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