In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the character played by Jeremy Renner is quite popular. Jeremy Renner is known to play the role of Clint Barton. Apart from being a fabulous actor, he is also known to be a great musician. It was only recently that he had launched his new Album. The album is named as The Medicine. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic makes the title of the album apt.

Jeremy Renner Throws out his New Album!!

Jeremy Renner releases his new movie album
The singer Jeremy Renner

The new song made headlines on Instagram and as of now, it will be available on Spotify. The album ‘The Medicine’ is said to feature around 7 songs. The actor always seems to be getting positive vibes from music. He further adds that it is a way of making people come together. During the current month, Renner was seen to be working on the Disney + series that is Hawkeye. The shooting of the film saw a lot of issues that were going on behind the scenes. However, despite that, he was seen working on the film.

Jeremy Renner’s Latest Album ‘The Medicine’

 Avenger Hawkeye's actor showcases his singing skills
A still from Jeremy Renner’s recent album


The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has led to a stall of the filming of Hawkeye too. In this hour of world crisis, the new song that has been released might be the best way to unite people in the purest form. Earlier, Renner has released many of his hit single albums that include ‘Heaven Don’t Have a Name’. In this song, he had played many instruments throughout the album. 

Let the game begin!

Avengers Hawkeye fight scene
In a still from Avengers Hawkeye


He has also recorded other songs that include I Drink Alone and the House of the Rising Sun. His role in Avengers Hawkeye was said to be quite popular. His idea behind dropping the album now could potentially be to provide relief to everyone in the current time of the crisis. 

Jeremy Renner - "The Medicine" (Lyric Video)

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