Jennifer Lopez is a megastar who is known for having wide media attention, especially for her relationships. She often talks about her personal life and choices when it demands taking a strong stand on a certain situation. There was once a time when she declared that men under 33 are “useless” even though she was accused of having relationships with younger men.

Jennifer Lopez
American singer-actress Jennifer Lopez 

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The 53-year-old singer-actress is one of the most influential women in the world and is known for her promising career. There is no doubt that she is a mentor when it comes to understanding her experience. However, is she a good mentor when it comes to relationships?

Jennifer Lopez Claims Men Under 33 Are Useless

Jennifer Lopez
American actress Jennifer Lopez

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In a 2018 episode of Tinder’s Swipe Sessions video series, the 53-year-old actress, Jennifer Lopez expressed her opinions on dating younger men. During that session, she was trying to help a singer named Brooke through her Tinder matches. The latter had shared that she wanted a type of guy who could “chop wood.”

The former while searching for possible matches settled on a guy named Maurice, then a 29-year-old social media manager, when the singer-actress shared her opinion, “Guys until they’re 33, are really useless.”

While the latter got matched with a guy, later on, Lopez had to face backlash for what she said at that moment.

J.Lo Doesn’t Date Younger Men!

Jennifer Lopez
Selena actress Jennifer Lopez

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The Selena actress not only expressed her opinions on under 30 men but also stated that she doesn’t date younger men!

During her appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2017, the actress shared,

“I don’t date younger men. It’s not like you have to be younger, it’s not about that. You just meet people and if I go out with them, I go out with them.”

“If I like them, I like them and if I don’t, I don’t. It’s just about the person. It’s about who they are, it has nothing to do with age,” she added.

She further shared, “If they’re older, they’re older. If they’re younger, they’re younger. It doesn’t matter. It’s whether or not I’m attracted to them or not, attracted to their spirit their soul, whatever their energy is.”

For the unversed, back in 2011, when the singer-actress was 42 years old year, she dated former backup dancer Casper Smart who was only 24 at that time. Despite the major age difference, the former couple maintained their on-off relationship until August 2016.

While many thought that she was referring to her former beau, she was actually referring to Drake who was romantically involved with each other in late 2016 however their dating life was short-lived.

Source: YouTube

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