Johnny Depp’s legal issues surely did not improve things regarding his possible comeback as Jack Sparrow. The last movie from the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise was a disappointment compared to the previous ones. Both financially and critically the film could not come up to or exceed the mark. And this was enough to make the producers question whether to continue bringing out more new parts for the franchise. It is one of the reasons why the 6th installment of the movie has been in the low for so long.

Moreover, the movie’s star character Jack Sparrow played by Depp is apparently under consideration as well. It has come to light that the producer Jerry Bruckheimer has been considering a whole new cast line. And it is likely to be a revival of the story for the younger generation. Therefore the likelihood of The Tourist actor making a comeback as his famous character is low.

Johnny Depp’s Fee for Playing Jack Sparrow Might Prevent Its Comeback

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp

It is already a well-known fact that Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell No Tales did not perform well in comparison to the first three movies. In addition to that, even the fourth one (On Stranger Tides) was equally disappointing. This reportedly led to the producer Jerry Bruckheimer having second thoughts about a 6th installment of the franchise. Although he did indicate an upcoming film, however, Johnny Depp’s return still seems unlikely. One of the main reasons is apparently the cost of production.

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Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow
Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

According to reports, Bruckheimer has been considering taking on a new line of casts. This is for reviving the franchise for the new generation of viewers. But that would require more money and moreover bringing Depp back as his famous character Jack Sparrow will definitely affect the budget. For those who have no idea, the actor charged about 22 million dollars for his role in the last movie of the franchise. This is a huge financial strain on the producer’s back. Therefore the casting cost alone has further resulted in the reconsideration of bringing back the star character.

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More on Pirates of the Caribbean 6

Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow
Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

Since 2017, the talk about a 6th installment of the famous franchise has been an interesting topic of discussion. But it still seems to have remained mostly stagnant with no big update. Although the talk about the movie has gained some momentum, however, it seems unlikely that it will be a continuation of Jack Sparrow’s story. As apparently Jerry Bruckheimer is thinking about a new story set in the same universe with younger casts. Therefore Johnny Depp’s character might not make a comeback. Or it could be a cameo appearance similar to the one in the latest Scream installment. Moreover, Depp also got into legal issues against his ex-wife Amber Heard since his last appearance as the famous character. It made his popularity go down. Therefore this could be another reason for not having Jack Sparrow played by Depp back on the screen.

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Source: Screen Rant

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