Good news for all Namor fans: you may get to see Namor on big screen pretty soon.

While attending an awards screening of Black Panther on Thursday, Erick Weber asked fans on Twitter if they had any questions for Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige. After the end of the screening, Weber responded on Twitter and answered a couple of questions.

“OK, here we go, 3 quick questions, answers directly from Kevin Feige’s mouth,” Weber wrote in the tweet. “1) Avengers 4 trailer ‘before the end of the year’ 2) Namor COULD make an appearance, still deciding IF & when 3) Guardians 3 status ‘on hold.'”

Obviously, the new Avengers trailer is big, although many predicted it to drop in 2018. The comment on Guardians being on hold until 2020 doesn’t surprise fans after its director James Gunn got fired earlier this year.

But the news about Namor? That’s big!

Namor has been absent from the big screen plans of the studio, as many fans love the character but his complicated story with the Inhumans and mutants make it hard to adopt him into a storyline. His rights also belong to Universal, just like Hulk.

Feige earlier addressed Namor’s rights, saying that they weren’t as easy as other characters.

“I think there’s a way to probably figure it out but it does have — it’s not as a clean or clear as the majority of the other characters,”

Feige said.

Feige revealed that the majority of Marvel characters not owned by Disney are either owned by Sony or Fox.

“There are some with a couple of other players involved that would have to be negotiated with,” he explained. “Then, of course, Spider-Man is still with Sony, independent of our agreement to do the films together. But most of them are home now. If that Fox thing happens, yeah, that’ll be the majority.”

However, with the Disney-Fox merger inching closer to get sealed, it seems like soon all characters will be at Feige’s disposal. But the comment after last night’s screening assures fans that Namor will soon make his onscreen debut.

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