Keeping Up with the Kardashians is an American reality television series that focuses on the personal and professional lives of the Kardashian-Jenner blended family. The show premiered in 2007 and its final season aired in 2021. Its concept was created by popular talk show host Ryan Seacrest, who also acted as an executive producer on the show. The series started on the E! cable network and ran for 20 seasons spanning nearly fourteen years, becoming one of the longest-running reality television series in the United States. The show mostly centered on the Kardashian siblings and their half-sisters, Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner. It also included their parents and respective partners.

Kim Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian got into an ugly fight while they were discussing work commitments on KUWTK

The Kardashians
The Kardashians

Since its debut, the program has received negative reviews. It received a lot of flak for throwing a lot of emphasis on the famous for being famous idea, for a number of the plot points seeming to be made up, and for featuring Kim Kardashian, who rose to fame after appearing in the X-rated tape with her then-boyfriend Ray J. However, several detractors acknowledged the popularity of the family and accepted the reality series as a guilty pleasure. Despite the unfavorable reviews, KUWTK garnered substantial global viewership, grew to become one of the network’s most popular shows, and won a number of audience awards.

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Kourtney K and Kim K
Kourtney K and Kim K

Not only were secrets revealed, but the show also included numerous conflicts between the siblings and their partners, and for the unversed, there was a particular fight that really shocked their fans. Kim Kardashian and her older sister Kourtney Kardashian were involved in an argument that turned physical. Watch the ugly fights between the Kardashian sisters.

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Kim Kardashian and her infamous fight wound up on KUWTK after someone from the team saw it happen on set

Kourtney and Kim Kardashian
Kourtney and Kim Kardashian

The reality star and her Kardashian sister got into a nasty argument while talking about work commitments in the 18th season of KUWTK. The argument started when the two of them were lounging around in the bedroom discussing Kylie Jenner’s health with Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian. The founder of SKKN claimed that she and her sister Khloe Kardashian never messed with their work responsibilities under any circumstances, but her older sister did not seem to give a damn. She said,

“If I were in the hospital, I would still visit Mom because she is used to seeing Khloe and me whenever we are ill.”

She continued, “You don’t care about stuff,” as she turned to face Poosh’s founder, who was just seated a few inches away. Kourtney Kardashian was quite irate after hearing the comment, and she jumped to her feet and demanded an explanation from her. She said,

“You behave as though I don’t do anything; this story is playing in your head. If you bring this up again, I’m going to f*** you.”

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However, the argument turned violent when Kourtney Kardashian slapped Kim Kardashian, which led to a messy fistfight. According to reports, the founder of Poosh rubbed her sister’s skin with her nails, quickly enraging her. Kimberly Kardashian ended up hitting her sister across the face many times despite trying to stop them from fighting, and their team recorded their fight and released it for the world to watch.

Source: Insider