There is a fascinating behind-the-scenes twist in the captivating world of the Twilight Saga, where vampires, werewolves, and an unbreakable relationship between Bella and Edward have won the hearts of millions of people. But it would have been different as this was not the initial approach of the story.

Twilight Kristen Stewart
Kristen Stewart

The actress who played Bella Swan, Kristen Stewart, almost went on a quest as a vampire hunter. This unanticipated shift in the saga’s plot highlights the tricky balance between engaging a broad audience and creating a compelling tale that will captivate viewers for a lifetime.

Kristen Stewart Almost Became a Vampire Slayer

Bella Swan
Bella Swan from Twilight

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Exploring the world of vampires from a human perspective makes it more relatable for the audience. It’s essential to note that the Twilight movies deviated significantly from the original novels, changing a lot of the beloved elements. In the beginning, the plot of the movie was very different from the teen drama we are used to seeing, it tended to be a suspenseful thriller with CIA agents, action-packed jet ski scenes, and Bella who was a top athlete and student. Screenwriter Mark Lord revealed about the franchise in Spotify’s original podcast, The Big Hit Show that both Kristen Stewart‘s portrayal and Stephenie Meyer’s novel version were different from the primary character.

Bella Swan was presented as special, which is a prevalent trope in young adult literature and films where the female protagonist is frequently portrayed as extraordinarily strong and intellectual, so it was clear from the beginning that she wasn’t an average girl. The original plot also had a devastating twist involving the passing of Bella’s father, Charlie, which was supposed to spur her on to become a vampire hunter. Bella’s path would have required going on the prowl with a shotgun, turning the sweet tale of a vampire and human romance into a bloody action adventure.

Unique Event Planned for 15th Anniversary Celebration

Twilight Movie

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A special Twilight In Concert event is planned for London’s Eventim Apollo on October 29 to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the massive hit Twilight movie series starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson with other acclaimed actors. The legendary score from the movie will be performed by a 12-piece ensemble of rock and symphonic musicians during this immersive cinematic experience, which also includes a complete showing of the movie on a big screen. This year marks the 15th Anniversary of the series and this unique event will prove to be a special remembering of this Vampire love story.

The best-selling Stephenie Meyer novels that became the Twilight movie series capitalized on the supernatural romance subgenre to great effect. With the release of Twilight in 2008, the series attracted a devoted following who were lured to the intense love tale between Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen. Over $3.3 billion was made by the films, which also included New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn which were broken into two parts. They also helped Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson become well-known worldwide. Beyond the screen, the Twilight trilogy had a significant influence on the rise of vampire-themed entertainment and pop cultural phenomena.

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Source: Spotify

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