Lady Gaga Sued for $1.5 Million After Allegedly Lying About $500,000 Reward
The woman who was charged in connection with singer Lady Gaga’s French bulldogs theft has come back after 2 years to claim her $500,000 for finding her dogs. Jennifer McBride has filed a lawsuit against the singer claiming that the singer made it clear that she would pay the reward “no questions asked” if her dogs were returned unharmed.
In February 2021, Lady Gaga’s purebred French bulldog pups, Koji and Gustav, were stolen from her dog walker at gunpoint. Her dog walker, Ryan Fischer, was shot but thankfully he survived. McBride has claimed that she returned the dogs just two days after they were stolen and is now seeking the $500k reward. Later, she was charged in connection to the theft with receiving stolen property and being an accessory to the crime and was sentenced to two years of probation.
Lady Gaga’s dogs were stolen in 2021

Back in February 2021, Lady Gaga‘s purebred French bulldogs went out on a walk with Ryan Fischer. The calm walk quickly escalated as Fischer was shot and her pups, Koji and Gustav, were stolen by multiple men. To find her dogs quickly, the singer claimed that she would give $500,000 “without asking any questions” to anyone who finds her dogs.
Just two days later, Jennifer McBride turned up at the LAPD Olympic Community station with the two stolen dogs. She claimed that she had found them tied to a pole and the singer was in Rome at the time. The authorities later identified James Howard Jackson as the main culprit.
The lady who returned the singer’s stolen dogs wants her reward

Jennifer McBride reportedly dated the father of one of the men who were responsible for assaulting Gaga’s dog walker, Ryan Fischer, and stealing the dogs. So, it makes sense how she found the puppies. Now, everyone is wondering where was she all this time. Well, shortly after finding the dogs, she was charged in connection to the theft with receiving stolen property and being an accessory to the crime.
She was sentenced to two years of probation and has now returned to get her $500,000 reward. In the lawsuit, she is seeking damages of $1.5 million from Gaga for allegedly posting the misleading reward.
Lady Gaga is yet to comment on the lawsuit

The singer is yet to comment on the $1.5 million lawsuit. The singer once went bankrupt and has been working hard since then to build her fortune. In 2011, she almost went broke after her The Fame Monster album tour. She reportedly spent a lot of money out of her own pocket on that tour and went bankrupt after that. In an interview, she said she didn’t know she was bankrupt, “I actually went bankrupt after the first extension of The Monster Ball. And it was funny because I didn’t know!” She was reportedly in a $3 million debt, however, she claimed that she never really cared about the money.
Source: TMZ