Martin Scorsese is one of the most celebrated directors in current cinema. He has said superhero movies are dominant in today’s industry. The Oscar-winning director told Empire magazine that his attempts to get up to speed with contemporary superhero films had failed.

Scorsese Comments On Marvel Movies

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe

When Scorsese was asked if he had seen Marvel’s movies, he said “I tried, you know. But that’s not cinema.”

He continued: “Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn’t the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being.”

Martin Scorsese could not have imagined the storm of controversy he would start by commenting on Marvel movies. Scorsese’s comments are pulled out of their proper full context. Scorsese’s words took on a new life and all thanks to the Internet.

Scorsese Elaborates What He Actually Meant

Martin Scorsese Clarifies Controversy
Martin Scorsese Clarifies Controversy

When given a chance to explain his views on Marvel movies fully, the Oscar-winning director elaborates to EW a bit more.

“The tentpole films, the big comic book films, they’re theme park movies — as well done as many of them are, at all levels. It’s a different cinema form or a new art form entirely. We’re hoping some theatres show the films that are not that. And that if they’re not going to show it that filmmakers still have an opportunity with streaming…” said Scorsese.

Scorsese is also careful to drop a hint that MCU movies are indeed cinema but only a new and different kind of cinema. Hopefully, this answer from Scorsese will help end the current media obsession. Because let’s be honest, this has all gone out of control and everyone has misunderstood what he actually meant. Probably Marvel Fans will be happy to read this.

Source: comicbook, theguardian

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