If there was one movie which brought film Twitter alive, it was Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman. It can and should be considered as one of the best movies of 2019 even though it is an Netflix offering. Martin Scorsese has stated that the movie was difficult to get made but it certainly was loved by the audience. It was loved by Josh Trank so much that he went to war with MCU fans over it. But it seems like there is one person who especially didn’t like it and that is Jack Goldsmith. He is the real-life stepson of Chuckie O’Brien (played by Jesse Plemons in the film).

How can we leave out the controversy which Ryan Reynolds caused due to Scorsese’s comments. Check it below:

Ryan Reynolds Drops An F Bomb On Martin Scorsese

Why Did Chuckie O’Brien’s Stepson Not Like The Irishman?

Chuckie O'Brien's stepson alleges that The Irishman is fake. Pic courtesy: cinemablend.com
Chuckie O’Brien’s stepson alleges that The Irishman is fake. Pic courtesy: cinemablend.com

In the movie The Irishman, O’Brien is depicted as Jimmy Hoffa’s loyal yet distant foster son. He unwittingly becomes an accomplice in the notorious gangster’s murder. But the truth, according to Goldsmith is a little different. He says that their relationship was actually much more similar to the one that Hoffa and Frank Sheeran are shown as having. Jack Goldsmith said that:

“What Mr. Scorsese did, in effect, was to place Mr. Sheeran in Chuckie’s role in Mr. Hoffa’s life. It was Chuckie, not Mr. Sheeran, who for decades served as Mr. Hoffa’s ‘intimate companion, driver, bodyguard and special troubleshooter,’ (as the labor journalist Victor Riesel noted in the 1960s).”

Furthermore, Chuckie said that he expected to be ‘tagged with the disappearance’ in the movie. He did not expect Scorsese to appropriate his close relationship with Hoffa- the precious blood, sweat, tears and joy of a three-decade father-son relationship, the apex of Chuckie’s life- and give it to Mr. Sheeran for all the world to see and believe.

More Controversies For The Irishman

Martin Scorsese invited more controversy by telling people to not watch the movie on their phones. Pic courtesy: nme.com
Martin Scorsese invited more controversy by telling people to not watch the movie on their phones. Pic courtesy: nme.com

But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the very well received and well reviewed movie. Many real people associated with the actual events depicted onscreen have come forward to call out the fictionalization of the scenes. If this wasn’t enough controversy then Scorsese added fuel to the fire by telling people to avoid watching The Irishman on their phones.

Not gonna lie, the drama surrounding the movie seems way more exciting than the one going on in it. It increased even more after Scorsese announced that it might be his last movie.. Ever (dun dun dunnn!!) But we think Scorsese doesn’t care about this controversy. After all he didn’t have two hoots to give about the entire Marvel controversy he started.

READ MORE: Guardians Star Karen Gillan Defends Marvel From Scorsese’s Comments

(Source: wegotthiscovered.com and techcrunch.com)

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