Marvel Fan Reimagines Hilarious Scene From Avengers: Endgame as a Medical Drama Poster
A fan of the Reddit Marvel wanted to have fun with one of Avengers ‘ most comedy-focused scenes through a remake. A member of the Reddit family tried to get one of them into a new world. This elaborate film poster juxtaposes the kind of breakneck action Avengers had in the original team-up film to make a difference for Infinity Stone Loki. Instead of the comedic voice, it’s a reasonably off-the-wall selection for a medical drama about Thor. Of course, it has essentially become one category on the Internet to turn film trailers into other genres.

The Film Poster
The transition to the film poster is supported. Sitting with Chris Hemsworth in the lead looks like a lot of fun through a medical drama. Perhaps one day it will branch out in a Disney+ show, or something, in Marvel Cinematics Universe. The writers of Endgame, Christophe Markus and Stephen McFeely, clearly enjoyed the way they played in this movie.
“It’s been a gift for us,[ director] Taika Waititi,[ writer] Eric Pearson and Chris Hemsworth,” Markus told LA. News.-Times. “We wanted to give him real obstacles and repercussions, as well. He takes with so much aplomb all the stuff he missed in this film, but he has lost it all.”

Chris Hemsworth
He has all of the pressure of intent on him, and his story in all of these movies learnt to let go of what people expected from him and accept who he thought he is, “the author said.” He’s going for his throne in the first movie. “Hemsworth turned out to be an outstanding actor. It’s not only stunning, but he’s also smart. It’s[ been] for him such a fantastic second half of the MCU.

The Statement
” We were determined not to do so, and I think we’d approach it like a prank,” said McFeely, who might make Thor suit. And when he calls the bolt then he has the hammers, all he does is put a suit on him and curl his hair into a rag, it doesn’t take 200 lives somehow. “It’s the thought of that who is now, and he’s still a hero.
“So I think that involves what his mom tells him,’ Don’t be the best version of who you are, who you are,'” McFeely added. “I don’t want to treat the weight gain as the problem he was going to have to overcome. Like,’ Thor gets fat, and now he’s got to have a diet.’
Source- comicbook, comictaq