MCU: The Eternals Has Given Kro and The Deviants A Complete New Look!
MCU’s The Eternals has given Kro and his Deviants a visual overhaul but one change could work, the other could lead to the mixed reviews received by the movie. Bringing Eternals back to the big screen is probably MCU’s biggest challenge! After all, Jack Kirby’s cosmic creations are the oldest superheroes ever and Chole Chao had a mammoth task of translating the Eternal’s comic mythology into the MCU tone.
There have been gender-swaps and power descaling but the Eternals themselves are relatively true to their source material. But the real deviation comes via the live-action Deviants and their leader Kro.
In Marvel Comics, Kro is a humanoid Deviant with pink skin, a magician’s goatee, and pointy ears. He wears a rimless pair of visor shades and dons some kind of armor that compliments his pink skin. The MCU’s version is so different that probably even his mom won’t recognize him. The Eternals has replaced Kro’s neo skin color with a gray, marble effect and has added extra pair of eyes and long tendrils for limbs.

But the Deviants have gone much major change, they are depicted as colored humanoids or mutated, monstrous hybrids and Eternals has reinvented them into silvery beasts based on some animals or mythological creatures like griffin/dinosaur types.
Chole Zhao’s Kro looks otherworldly and brings an artistic quality MCU aliens have rarely shown. Kro’s tentacles and sinewy body showcase a creepiness that feels unsettling as Thena is lifted into the air. Compared to all the previous warlords, Eternals’ revamped Kro stands out!

But Eternals’ Deviant upheaval isn’t that successful. The Deviants also each have a unique look and have their own quirks, preferences, and styles to the evil alien rock band. But the movie brings the Deviants down into visually impressive but personality-free monsters with little differentiation. The monsters look more like Pokemon than Marvel’s comic book Deviants.
Sadly one film isn’t big enough to introduce 2 separate ensembles and even develop the likes of Ikaris, Sersi and Gilgamesh obviously take priority. This has sadly caused displeasure to some comic fans. The BBC has referred to the Deviants as “the most generic of slavering digital baddies.” It remains to be seen if this affects the ratings of the movie!