Moon Knight Episode 6: Why Some Fans Are Hating The Season Finale
Marvel’s Moon Knight recently aired its season finale on May 4, 2022. To sum it up, Marc Spector, Steven, and Khonshu come back to life, Layla becomes Twaret’s avatar, and the fantastic showdown between Khonshu and Ammit and Ammit is concealed inside Harrow. To end the contract as promised, Khonshu releases Marc and Steven and things are back to normal… Or so you think… The episode ends with a surprise every Moon Knight comic reader had been waiting for. That’s right! Enter Jake Lockley. Marc Spector’s third alter. Harrow is taken to a Limo where he finds Khonshu in a posh suit and before you know it, Jake puts two to three bullets into Harrow.
According to The Direct, Moon Knight producers claimed that episodes 5 and 6 will “Blow your Mind”. But the finale has received a mixed bag of reviews. While some have been impressed with Layla’s character development and welcomed Jake Lockley, like these fans:

There was an audience who was immensely impressed with Khonshu’s move at the end of the episode. Like them:
There was a huge population of Marvel fans who were let down by the lackluster ending of the season:

Considering how complicated the story of The Moon Knight is, many felt the story was crammed into six episodes. It also felt quite inconsistent and incoherent with the overall character switches between Marc to Steven and vice-versa.
Khonshu’s Trump Card

Khonshu knew all along that Marc wouldn’t stick along forever. Marc’s primary reason to partner with Khonshu was to keep him from making Layla his next Avatar and ruining her life the way he ruined Marc’s. But Khonshu also knew that Marc and Steven had the chaos and madness that his Avatar needed to fulfill his conquest.
But according to his pact with Marc, after Ammit was concealed, Khonshu would let him go. That’s when Khonshu reveals his trump card, Jake Lockley. Jake was Khonshu’s secret weapon and inside man all along. It was Jake who saved Marc, Steven, and Layla from Harrow in the final battle.
Jake has access to the kind of wealth and power that Marc supposedly has in the comic and the proof is the final shot that shows Jake driving away in a white limo with “SPKTR” on the license plate.
It is Jake Lockley who will set the stage and fate of Moon Knight season 2. Let’s hope it is worth the wait.