Moon Knight is soon making his MCU debut thanks to the series on Disney+. We all know Moon Knight as the dark hero in Marvel and is he well known for fighting crimes on the streets.

For those who don’t know, Moon Knight is recruited not only by the Secret Avengers but also by the West Coast Avengers. But yet not everyone is aware of his abilities! Here are a few you should know before his big debut!

1. Moon Knight Can’t Die

Moon Knight

Thanks to his ties with Khonshu, Marc Specter is immortal. Everyone thought he had died in Egypt, but that is where he first interacted with Khonshu.

The Marvel hero could have died, but Kohnshu kept him going and this hasn’t happened on one but multiple occasions as disclosed by the hero himself!

2. His Dissociative Identity Disorder Is A Blessing In Disguise

Prof X

We are all aware that Marc Spector has been diagnosed with a dissociative identity disorder. There is more than one identity and personality living in his head. Now usually we would think of it as making Marc’s life harder, but that’s not the case!

This does not allow the “outside forces” to stop Moon Knight. This makes reading the hero’s intentions harder for other characters like Professor Xavier.

3.  Marc Spector Can Fly Planes!

Moon Knight

Sadly, Moon Knight can’t fly. But Marc Spector has experience as both, a mercenary and a marine. Thus, Moon Knight can fly any plane he wants to! He has used gliders and helicopters as well.

4. His Powers Depend on The Moon

Moon Knight

Though this hasn’t been a consistent element of his powers, in the past, his powers have been connected to the phases of the moon. The moon’s form aka if it is a full moon, new moon, half-moon, or waxing or waning crescent, has changed the hero’s strength and speed.

5. Moon Knight Has A Damage Resistant Costume


Moon Knight has often been compared to DC’s Batman. Their suits are often compared, and this Marvel hero has a suit with a far different composition. His suit is made up of Adamantium and Carbonadium which are the two hardest substances in the Marvel Universe.

6. He can Control Mjolnir!


Marc Spector serves Khonshu aka the Moon God. Mjolnir is made of Uru aka a material that comes from moons before being hardened in the heart of a dying star. This gives him an upper hand compared to others and can easily control Mjolnir.

7. Moon Knight Can Successfully Absorb and Adapt to Other Powers


He was able to defeat the Avengers in recent scenarios and even create his domination over the Earth on behalf of Khonshu. In this story, he was the only one to control Mjolnir, steal the powers of the Iron Fist, Doctor Strange, and even the Ghost Rider.

Even though this was temporary, and the powers were tied to ankh artifacts, it surely proves how powerful the character is!

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