Moon Knight vs Mr. Knight: What Are The Major Differences?
In the second episode of Moon Knight, viewers get to meet a new character when Moon Knight travels back to New York and encounters Mr. Knight. To shed some light on what exactly the difference between the two personalities is and why they exist in the first place, we’ll take a closer look at both personalities one after the other. We’ve already learned quite a bit about Moon Knight in the previous episode and we’ve gotten a taste of just how skilled his mind truly is – but what makes him different from other superheroes? One word: duality.
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Moon Knight In Marvel Universe
Just like what he is in the comic world, MCU’s Moon Knight is a physically strong and highly-skilled fighter who dons a white cloak with a diamond logo on it and straps his torso with bandages to resemble that of Khonshu, the Egyptian God of Moon. At night he becomes Khonshu’s avatar by wearing the same outfit using his superhuman strength and vulnerability as in the comics. His suit also helps him inhale and exhale some additional powers and abilities (though they’re not yet depicted or highlighted in the series).

Mr. Knight In Marvel Universe
Viewers got an opportunity to meet Mr. Knight in Marvel and Disney+’s Moon Knight Episode 2. Similar to Moon Knight, Mr. Knight also possesses powers that possess similar attributes such as enhanced vulnerability and strength. However, it definitely seems that the persona introduced in the show seems to be much different than his comic book counterpart. In the comics, Mr. Knight is evidently introduced when Marc Spector visits his psychiatrist and comes into contact with law enforcement while conducting investigations. He takes on a role of internalization for all of the personalities inside of him; which is definitely depicted differently in the show where he appears to come out when Steven Grant channels the Moon Knight persona.
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What Are The Major Differences?
The two characters (Moon Knight and Mr. Knight) have several differences concerning their appearance. Marc Spector’s Moon Knight Suit is adorned with Egyptian details, detailing a white jumpsuit, belt, and hooded cape – though in some depictions the latter tends to be replaced by a blank cloak. In contrast, Mr. Knight’s Outfit is an opaque white suit. Moreover, masking up proves equally useful for both vigilantes!
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There are quite some similarities when it comes to the personalities of Steven Grant and Marc Spector. On one hand, we have Steven Grant who is calmer and reserved with his methods whereas on the other we have Marc Spector using whatever means necessary to do what he believes needs to be done. This personality dynamic has spilled over into the recent episodes as well. For more details, we all have to wait for the upcoming episodes of the Disney+ series, Moon Knight.
Marvel’s Moon Knight (Episode 1 and 2) is streaming now on Disney+