• Avengers: Endgame and Avengers: Infinity War continue to be two of the most beloved Marvel movies.
  • One scene in Infinity War seemed to have predicted one of Thanos' moves in Endgame.
  • A Doctor Strange scene in Infinity War is also similar to one of Thanos' scenes in Endgame.

Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, Avengers: Infinity War hit the theaters in 2018. Fans worldwide loved the movie and it is still the 6th highest-grossing film of all time. The movie was followed by 2019’s Avengers: Endgame, which is the 2nd highest-grossing movie of all time. 

Avengers Endgame final battle
Avengers: Endgame final battle | Source: Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Pictures

Although fans still love these two movies, most of them are unaware of a hidden connection between them. A brutal scene in Infinity War is directly connected with Thanos’ final moments in Endgame

A Brutal Avengers: Infinity War’s Scene Had A Clue About Thanos’ Final Moments 

Thanos fading away in Avengers: Endgame
Thanos fading away in Avengers: Endgame | Source: Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Pictures

Marvel has an age-old habit of planting hints in its movies that fans find sooner or later. The moment fans figure out the hidden information, excitement follows. However, even some of the die-hard fans missed out on a cleverly inserted hint in Avengers: Infinity War that predicted a scene in the next movie.

A brutal scene in Avengers: Infinity War shows Thanos (Josh Brolin) speaking to Iron Man about what he knows about losing a battle when the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempt to ambush him on his home planet, Titan. Thanos explained:

I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless. It’s frightening, turns the legs to jelly.

Thanos mentioned that when defeat knocks on the door, legs give up almost immediately. Interestingly, sitting down was the first thing that Thanos did in Avengers: Endgame before fading away. This proves that Thanos’ words in Avengers: Infinity War were a prediction of what’s going to happen to him in the movie’s sequel. 

This one dialogue might have seemed insignificant while watching Infinity War, but Thanos sitting down before fading away shows how experience influences actions. Despite his villainy, Thanos seemed to accept his defeat, a sign of vulnerability, as Iron Man’s (Robert Downey Jr.) finger snap dusted him and his army.

Infinity War and Endgame Had Another Connection That Fans Might Have Missed

Dr Strange in Avengers: Infinity War
Dr. Strange in Avengers: Infinity War | Source: Marvel Studios/Walt Disney Pictures

Apart from Thanos’ words in that one scene, Infinity War has another cleverly inserted clue that is startlingly similar to a scene of Endgame. In the first movie, Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) meets Thanos while sitting down with his left hand on his knee and playing with a stone in his right hand.

This scene has its replica in the second movie where Thanos is seen sitting in a similar pose with a stone in one hand and the other hand on his knee as he waits for Iron Man, Captain America (Chris Evans), and Thor (Chris Hemsworth).

This might be a coincidence. However, considering that Dr. Strange can see the future and has an infamous knack for self-indulgence and arrogance, there is a chance he was mocking the Titan.

Further, Dr. Strange mocks Thanos in the first movie as though the only future that he sees with his magical powers is the one where Thanos and Iron Man, two of the most powerful heroes of the universe, will be destroying each other completely.

Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame are available for streaming on Disney+.

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