Marvel Cinematic Universe has several characters who don’t shy from the danger and jump in to protect people in need even if it means risking their own lives to do so. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, and the Guardians of the Galaxy are some prime examples who are willing to defend others by stepping up. Apparently, this usually ends up with them dying or getting badly hurt. That being said, these are the 5 most selfless heroism acts in the MCU, ranked in ascending order –

When Pietro Maximoff Saved Clint Barton

Pietro Maximoff in Age of Ultron
Pietro Maximoff in Age of Ultron

In the MCU, Quicksilver was a pretty poor substitute for his X-Men counterpart. And even though he did officially switch allegiance to the Avengers in Age of Ultron, it wasn’t exactly heroic. Both Pietro and his sister Wanda ended up making critical sacrifices. But one man’s death doesn’t quite equate to a woman losing everything that she holds. The movie misses out on an intriguing subplot by letting Quicksilver die in vain so quickly while thriving to save Clint Barton.

Loki Attacks The Mad Titan

Loki and Thanos
Loki and Thanos

After years of being at odds with his brother, Thor and Loki make amends and defeat the evil Hela. After that is done and over with, they look to rebuild Asgard by way of traveling through space after establishing that Earth was too dangerous for them both. Unfortunately, they get attacked by Thanos while in deep space. Their spaceship (The Statesman) manages to escape; thanks to Loki who displays selfless heroism so that Thor can escape Thanos’ ship.

Iron Man Flies To Death

The Avengers
The Avengers

The first Avengers movie remains the best. It’s the first time the original Avengers assembled against a common enemy, in this case, Loki and the Chitauri. But as it turns out, Loki is actually not the worst threat of all time–that’s actually the World Security Council. In the meanwhile, they launch a nuclear missile. It’s up to Iron Man to save the day by flying it into a wormhole fully aware that it was most likely a one-way trip home. He survived but living with PTSD was much harder than he thought could possibly be.

Classic Loki’s Ultimate Sacrifice

Classic Loki in Disney+’s Loki
Classic Loki in Disney+’s Loki

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Loki may have survived the snap put by Thanos, but he does not escape the Time Variance Authority. He is pruned and sent into The Void by the TVA, who later encounters two younger versions of himself that intend to bring down the real force behind the organization. To do this, they need to get past an entity named Alioth. Classic Loki casts a powerful illusion of Asgard, drawing Alioth’s attention so the variant can enchant and absorb it. However, in doing so Classic Loki embraces his death with a tearful smile as he accomplishes his glorious purpose in a blazing glory of selfless heroism.

Wanda Kills Vision

Wanda and Vision
Wanda and Vision

During the Battle of Wakanda, Wanda is forced to sacrifice her own happiness by killing off Vision, who was powered by the Mind Stone. It cost her courage and strength to do so, but in the end, she did it. Wanda’s pain was all for nothing because the Time Stone can be used to turn back time and change history. As a result, Thanos turns back time and kills Vision once again in brutal fashion to complete his set of Infinity Stones.

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