This story revolves around X-Men’s most adored characters, Jean Grey, as she develops into the iconic DARK PHOENIX. During a life-menacing rescue mission in space, Jean is hit by cosmic energy that molds her into one of the most robust mutants of all. Battling with this increasingly volatile power as well as her demons, Jean leaps out of control, ripping the X-Men family apart and threatening to demolish the very fabric of our planet.

Dark Phoenix in HBO

Negative tweets-1:

Negative tweet-2

Almost a year after its release, Dark Phoenix has hit streaming. During the weekend, the 20th Century Fox production has been included in HBO streaming services, and many are obtaining their first glimpse at the widely-panned feature. As such, we have scattered compilation reactions here so you can get an overall sense of what people have been commenting. As you might expect, it’s pretty equated with what critiques and fans said immediately after the film hit theaters last June. With a few positive tweets sprawled amongst bundles of negative tweets, little light shines through from the people that legit relished the previous “main” X-Men movie from Fox before Disney obtained its assets

Box office reviews

Positive tweets-1

Positive tweet-2

The Simon Kinberg joint solely ended up making $252.4 million at the box office against a reported production budget of $200 million. Typical Hollywood accounting proposes that a movie needs to earn twice its production budget at least to break even to account for the advertising and publicity associated with marketing said movie. That means it’s credible the film ended up losing upwards of $150 million if not much more.

Dark phoenix final trailer

Dark Phoenix | Final Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX

Sources: It’s covered from,Heroichollywood

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