After winning 17 Michelin stars and opening 58 restaurants across the globe, it is unsurprising that Gordon Ramsay is not easily impressed. He takes food very seriously and understands the intricacies of the craft he has now mastered. Various aspiring chefs are eager to gain his approval, ensuring their success in the industry. While that might be a far-fetched dream, Ramsay recently revealed his favorite food destinations that delight his senses.

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Gordan Ramsay’s Number 1 Food Destination

Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay

Known for being a mean and strict Masterchef judge, Gordon Ramsay has high expectations from any dish he tastes. If the recipe does not meet his standards, the chef refuses to eat it and will barrage the creator of the dish with a string of mean comments. Luckily, there are some places in the world that know how to make good food that impresses Gordon Ramsay.

In a YouTube interview with famous vlogger Cho Seung-Yeon, he revealed the destinations he loves for the authentic food they make. Famous for sticky rice and quintessential Asian food, Ramsay mentioned Laos as one of his favorite food places. “I recently came out of Laos. Going back to the provinces and spending time in the countryside, away from the tourist traps… the food was just off the charts.”

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Places that make food like it’s meant to be and not to impress tourists often stand out from the rest. Other popular food items in Laos include Larb (Minced Meat Salad), Khao Poon (Spicy Noodle Soup), Mok Pa (Steamed Fish) and Tam Mak Hoong (Green Papaya Salad).

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Other Top Food Destinations Favored by Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay

Being a chef, picking favorites in food and places is difficult. Ramsay went on to mention two more destinations that top his personal charts in terms of scrumptious food. As a traveller too, Ramsay has been to his fair share of countries in search of food that makes his heart full. Another lovely destination that was successful in getting Ramsay’s stamp of approval is Vietnam.

Known for its authentic noodle soup dish called Pho, Vietnam is extraordinary when it comes to flavors and notes in a dish. “I fell in love (with the dishes). Such a humble approach to eating incredible food,” Ramsay added.

Moving away from South Asian cuisine, Ramsay then talked about Madrid in Spain. With a base of olive oil, Spanish food thrives in vegetable sauces and is a bit spicier. “There’s so many exciting things going on in Madrid as well,” he says. The city is known for Paella, the national dish of Spain, along with Churros and Jamon.

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