Kim Kardashian and her family are known for setting unrealistic body standards. It is no doubt that the Kardashians and Jenner have had multiple surgeries to make their bodies look perfect. However, the family members refuse to admit the fact that they have had surgical treatments and always tend to insist that their bodies are natural. Recently, Kim Kardashian, who is dating former SNL star Pete Davidson, denied having anything done to her face.

Kim Kardashian denies having a lip or cheek fillers; says her facial features are real

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian

In a recent interview with Allure, the Kardashians star revealed the procedures she has had done to her face.

“A little bit of Botox,” she stated while pointing to the space between her brows. “But I’ve chilled, actually.”

The beauty guru further added,

“I’ve never had eyelash extensions. I’ve never done anything. I have a drop of mascara on today. I’ve never filled my cheeks. I’ve never filled my lips.”

The media personality also stated that her “eyebrows are real.”

Kim Kardashian shares her concerns about looking good

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian shares her concerns about looking good

Despite denying having surgeries done on her face, Kim K did say that she is concerned about looking good. The KUWTK star said,

“I care. I really, genuinely care about looking good. I probably care more than 90 percent of the people on this planet. It’s not easy when you’re a mom, and you’re exhausted at the end of the day, or you’re in school, and I’m all of the above. I do my beauty treatments usually late at night. After everyone’s in bed, I’m doing laser treatments.

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Kim Kardashian shares her desire to look youthful

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian says she is letting go of trying to look perfect

Kim K also talked about growing older and wanting to look youthful,

“I’m at peace with not being perfect and I wasn’t like that before. I hate my hands — they’re wrinkly and gross. But I’ve lived life and I’ve changed so many diapers with these hands and I’ve snuggled my babies with these hands, so I’m okay with them. [Getting older] doesn’t mean that I won’t strive for perfection, but you get to a point where you’re like, ‘Okay, my health is more important than anything else.”

“It’s hard to explain because I am at peace, but I would still do anything to look and feel youthful,” she added.

Also Read: ‘She’s Letting It Decrease Naturally’: Kim Kardashian Finally Getting Rid of Her Iconic Butt Implants

The celebrity once again admits she is ready to eat poop to look younger

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian has an unhealthy desire to look younger

The star had recently stated in an interview with NY Times that she would “eat poop every single day” if it helped her look more youthful. Kim stood by her words and said in the Allure interview,

“I was kind of joking, but now that I think about it, I would probably eat shit if someone told me, ‘If you eat this bowl of poop every single day, you’ll look younger.’ “

Her bizarre statement and her refusal to admit the surgical treatments will likely not be met well by the fans. Moreover, her promotion of youthfulness could also prove to be harmful to aged women who wish to feel comfortable in their bodies.

Source: Marca 

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