Avengers: Endgame is now officially available on digital platforms. Finally fans will be able to officially experience the Marvel Studios epic from the comfort of their own home. In the process, Marvel has also provided a little peek behind the curtain and showcased the fake scenes which were used to protect spoilers for Endgame and Avengers: Infinity War. But we have to say, that these are some of the most weird things ever imaginable:

What Were The Alternate Scenes Used In Avengers: Infinity War And Endgame?

New featurette shows some pretty bizzare alternate scenes in Infinity War and Endgame. Pic courtesy: digitalspy.com
New featurette shows some pretty bizzare alternate scenes in Infinity War and Endgame. Pic courtesy: digitalspy.com

There is a featurette from the home release of the movie which has been making the rounds online. This talks about the fake scenes which made their way into the scripts- and even brings them to life in animation.

The video showcases some pretty bizarre alternate sequences: From a puppet version of Gamora (Zoe Saldana) giving Thanos (Josh Brolin) the Soul Stone, to the Mad Titan literally falling asleep after Thor (Chris Hemsworth) hits him with his axe in Endgame. This isn’t all, as there is even a fake scene where Loki (Tom Hiddleston) projects himself to safety shortly after being killed by Thanos, where he waves good bye to Thor before escaping in a jump pod.

Why Were Such Scenes Needed?

Robert Downey Jr. was one of the few cast members to read the whole Infinity War and Endgame script. Pic courtesy: dailymail.co.uk
Robert Downey Jr. was one of the few cast members to read the whole Infinity War and Endgame script. Pic courtesy: dailymail.co.uk

What’s interesting is the mindset behind creating such alternate scenes. Co-director Anthony Russo explained earlier this year that:

“Part of our motivation to do that is it just takes a lot of pressure off of people. I mean, it is hard to constantly censor yourself about what you’re saying, how you talk, because these movies are your whole life. It’s everything you’re doing all day long, the inclination is to talk about it. So we take a lot of pressure off of people just by saying, ‘Okay the less you know, the less you have to mind yourself.”

The other half of the directing duo- Joe Russo talked about which actors got to actually read the whole real script:

“[Robert Downey Jr.] was probably the only one to actually read the entire script. I think Benedict [Cumberbatch] got the script that included his scenes only. [Chris] Evans might have read the whole script.”

Avengers: Endgame can now be bought digitally.

Do you know which other actor wasn’t allowed to read the whole Avengers: Endgame script? Tom Holland. Here’s him talking about what he got to work with after all:

(Source: comicbook.com and cnet.com)

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