Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ Medusa did Something Uma Thurman’s Character Never Could
Like the worlds of Harry Potter and Frodo Baggins, several fictional yet magical worlds transport the viewers into another dimension altogether. Percy Jackson’s story is set in the Greek mythology times when Zeus reigned supreme in Olympus. While the movie conquered the box office in 2010 and 2013, earning a whopping sum of $428.7 million, the series, based on the Rick Riordan books, is releasing episodes weekly on Disney+. The latest episode introduces the viewers to Medusa, played by Jessica Parker Kennedy.
Comparison Between Uma Thurman and Jessica Parker Kennedy’s Medusa

In the two movies on Percy Jackson’s adventures, Uma Thurman played the coveted role of Medusa. The complex and dynamic aspects of the character need intricate focus and Thurman came through for the most part. Medusa is not a villain per se because her anger is justified by how she has been wronged by various gods. Fans believe this nuance of Medusa’s character where she is more than just the sum of her actions was missing in Thurman’s portrayal and in extension, from the movies.
However, with just a brief appearance in episode 3 of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Jessica Parker Kennedy’s Medusa left the viewers in awe of her character. Despite having her face covered by a hat in most scenes, Medusa in the show seems more expressive and emotional. The finer details were worked upon and a more fleshed-out character came across in the show. It is said that a more humane version of the mythical person is shown in the series, thus displaying a completely different Medusa than Thurman’s version.

Moreover, Thurman’s portrayal bordered on a villainous zeal that is absent from Kennedy’s Medusa. The latter inspires sympathy and stronger emotions in favour of the character in the viewers rather than blind hatred. In the black-and-white world of villains and heroes, Kennedy is able to place Medusa somewhere in the grey, leaving it upon the audience to make up their minds. The show also explores Medusa’s relationship with Jackson and Annabeth a bit more closely.
Importance of Medusa in Percy Jackson’s Story

Since Medusa’s experiences directly correlate to the evils of the Greek gods, it goes on to show the battle Jackson must have to lead. Her struggles foreshadow the primary conflicts of the story that eventually take centre stage. The curse made Medusa a symbol of terror and fear, but very less people see her for who she is, a woman in love who was betrayed by the gods and suffered at their hands. Nonetheless, in modern days, her symbol is used as an evil eye to keep evil at bay. People believed looking at her could turn a man into stone and today, it would do the same to people with bad intentions.
Medusa’s story also serves as a reminder of how patriarchy wreaked havoc even for the Greek gods. Athena punished Medusa for having relations with Poseidon while letting him go scot-free. On the other hand, many people believe that Medusa was raped by Poseidon. While creating the show, Rebecca Riordan, executive producer and wife of Rick Riordan emphasised this aspect on Variety, “It was one of the first things we talked about, how to not have a patriarchal lens”
It was important for the show creators to make the story well-rounded as compared to the books that were written from a young teen’s perspective. In the show, the makers have a greater freedom to explore such intricate themes and present a cohesive story.