Pirates Of The Caribbean‘ is a film series of fantasy swashbuckler genre produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. In fact, this series gave us the famous and iconic Pirate Captain Jack Sparrow played wonderfully by Johnny Depp. It has 5 films and the 6th installment is being developed by the makers. However, the release date hasn’t been disclosed yet. The franchise has grossed over $4.5 billion worldwide. It is the 14th-highest-grossing film series of all time. In fact, it is the first film franchise to produce two or more movies that grossed over $1 billion. Over the years, fans have watched these movies and joked about them. So, here’s a list of jokes about ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’. No matter what, ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ was, is, and will be amazing! Enjoy reading. Also, you can share some of your ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ jokes in the comment section! See you there.

1. The Pronunciation Choice

This Pronunciation Choice
This Pronunciation Choice

2. The Accurate Plot Depiction

This very accurate plot depiction
This very accurate plot depiction

3. The Hairstyle Choice

This hairstyle choice
This hairstyle choice

4. The Cultural Description

This culture description
This culture description

5. The Perfect Metaphor

This perfect metaphor
This perfect metaphor

6. The New Legal Term

This new legal term
This new legal term

7. The Facial Expressions

This facial expression
This facial expression

8. The Hilarious Realization

This hilarious realization
This hilarious realization

9. The Ideal Timeline

This ideal timeline
This ideal timeline

10. The Quick Fix

This quick fix
This quick fix

11. The Sexual Orientation

This sexual orientation
This sexual orientation

12. The Depressing Discovery

This depressing discovery
This depressing discovery

13. The Long-Standing Crush

This long-standing crush
This long-standing crush

14. The Grown-Up Reevaluation

This grown-up re-evaluation
This grown-up re-evaluation

15. The Perfect Crossover

This perfect crossover

Also, in June 2020, it was announced that Disney was developing a spin-off starring Christina Hodson and Margot Robbie. However, this spin-off will be separate from the 6th installment which is being developed. Also, producer Jerry Bruckheimer will be attached to the project. We hope you enjoyed reading the list as much as we enjoyed making it. Stay tuned for more dose of entertainment only on Animated Times!

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