Chris Evans has played Captain America since the hero made his MCU debut in 2011’s The First Avenger. The big goodbye to his role as Captain America in Avengers: Endgame.

Captain America’s change in character after Endgame

Steve Rogers handed the shield to Sam Wilson, encouraging him to take on his role as Captain America. The actor revealed the most challenging part of playing Captain America, even though his time as the character has passed.

Chris Evans speaks out about Captain America

Chris Evans speaks out about Captain America

“The trickiest aspect of the personality is he’s a great man. He’s looking for brand-new methods to make it intriguing. That was the obstacle because he constantly places himself last. It ended up being a genuine partnership between myself and Kevin Feige and the Russos. Even with Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely in terms of trying to protect his nature,” Evans said at Ace Comic Con in Seattle.

“He’s a quiet guy,” Evans continued. “There’s a great deal of various other characters in the Marvel cosmos who kind of use their words for innovative benefit. Cap is more of a simple-minded man. It’s hard to develop tales around him to produce problems, not just make him the centre cog where circumstance takes place around him.”


Captain America’s decision in Endgame

Captain America’s decision in Endgame
Photo by ScreenGeek

Endgame saw Steve Rogers taking a trip back in time, altering his fate by remaining with Peggy Carter. There’s been some argument between the writers, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and the supervisors, Joe and Anthony Russo.  It was a discussion about whether Captain America developed an alternate timeline in doing so. No matter, the Russo brothers have shown Evans won’t reprise the role once more any time soon.

Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Avengers: Endgame stars Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. The re-released version of the film containing incentive post-credits web content is now in theatres.

Watch the trailer here:

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame - Official Trailer

Source: Cbr, Pinkvilla


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