Princess Diana died in a car accident when Prince Harry was 12 years old on 31 August 1997. The sudden passing of his mother shocked the 38-year-old and his brother, Prince William. The Duke of Sussex wrote extensively about his mother’s death in his memoir Spare. He explained how he came across a mystical aura after his mother, Princess Diana, died.

Prince Harry with Princess Diana and Prince William
Prince Harry with Princess Diana and Prince William

Prince Harry explained he felt there was a supernatural light around his mother.

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Prince Harry explained there were golden lights around Princess Diana after she died 

Princess Diana and Prince Harry
Princess Diana and Prince Harry

When Prince Harry came across his mother’s photos after the car accident, he had a supernatural experience. He claimed to have had a supernatural feel after seeing photos of her mother’s dead body. According to Prince Harry, her mother was surrounded by a supernatural aura. He explained that the light around her was the same color as her hair. In his memoir Spare, Prince Harry wrote,

“At last I came to the photos of Mummy. There were lights around her, auras, almost halos. How strange. The color of the lights was the same color as her hair golden. I didn’t know what the lights were, I couldn’t imagine, though I came up with all sorts of supernatural explanations.”

The Duke of Sussex further wrote in his memoir,

“As I realized their true origin, my stomach clenched. Flashes. They were flashes. And within some of the flashes were ghostly visages, and half visages, paps and reflected paps and refracted paps on all I the smooth metal surfaces and glass windscreens.”

Prince Harry blames the photographers for his mother’s death. He said the photographers clicked pictures when she was dying at the back of her seat. 

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Prince Harry thought his Mother faked her death 

Prince Harry at an event
Prince Harry at an event

For 11 years after Princess Diana died, Prince Harry hoped his mother would return to him and his brother. For many years, the Duke of Sussex assumed it was all part of a plan and that his mother had planned her fake death. During the Interview with Anderson Cooper Prince Harry said,

“For a long time. I just refused to accept that she was gone. Part of it was she would never do this to us. But also, part of it maybe felt like this is all part of a plan. For a time I believed she was alive and then she would call us, and we would go and join her.”

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He had hoped that his mother would return to him and his brother until he saw the pictures of her car accident. He was looking for proof that his mother was injured in the backseat of the car. The Duke of Sussex stated that he saw photos of his mother’s head slumped on the back seat. 

Source: The International News; Us Magazine

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