Is Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse set to span the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Let us find out:

Could The Spider-Man: Spider-Verse Be Connected To The MCU?
Could The Spider-Man: Spider-Verse Be Connected To The MCU?

Is Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse set to span the Marvel Cinematic Universe? In an exceedingly new interview on the Happy Unhappy Confused podcast, Sony’s Spider-Verse producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller reveal linkages to the larger Marvel Multiverse, opened by Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in Spider-Man: No Way Home. After introducing the Spider-Men (Tobey Maguire and Apostle Garfield) to the MCU in No Approach Home, Miles Morales (voice of Shamiek Moore) and Spider-Gwen (voice of Hailee Steinfeld) can get into and across the Spider-Verse in Sony’s animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. On the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Miller was asked about a possible relationship to the live-action universe and stated, “The Multiverse is vast and expansive. And everything grows… Why would you believe that in a multiverse where everything is conceivable, “those things” are unrelated?” “Everything is achievable except for this one thing that everyone desires,” Lord said.

Lord and Miller recently hinted at “possible” cameos by Spider-Man stars Tom Holland and Zendaya in the Spider-Verse:

A Still Of Lord and Miller The Producers Of Spider-Man: Spider-Verse
A Still Of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller The Producers Of Spider-Man: Spider-Verse

Lord and Miller have already hinted at “possible” cameos by Spider-Man stars Tom Holland and Zendaya, who claimed during the No Way Home press tour that they’re “just waiting for the phone call” to give their voices to the animated Spider-Verse. Amy Pascal, the producer of the Spider-Man series, is “kind of our gateway to understanding precisely what’s going on in the Spider-Verse in various formats,” according to Lord, of the live-action and animated versions of Spider-Man. Because the authors and director are all friends of ours, we’ve been kept in the know about what’s going on. And we’re always trying to avoid stomping on one another’s toes by telling various sorts of tales, different themes, and all that other nonsense, because people want an original narrative that feels new and fascinating. It is our responsibility to provide it to them. “

Lord said of the dimension-hopping Spider-Verse, which is tethered to the larger web of Sony and Marvel’s joint Spider-Man movie-verse:


“You’re collectively progressing this huge mega-story, and you have ultimate control over your small slice of it,” Lord said of the dimension-hopping Spider-Verse, which is tethered to the larger web of Sony and Marvel’s common Spider-Man movie-verse. And everything else is just a matter of communicating as much as possible and making changes… It’s almost like a film school exercise where you’re thinking, “OK, we were going to do that, but they did it first, so we’ll have to do something else.” And frequently it makes you think of something you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise, and it makes your stuff better because you have to come up with an off-speed pitch and not do the obvious thing,” he said. [Into the Spider-Verse] was the same way. It’s deviating from the canon, which allows you the flexibility to do something different.” Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Part One, featuring Peter B. Parker (Jake Johnson), Jessica Drew Spider-Woman (Issa Rae), and Miguel O’Hara’s Spider-Man 2099 (Oscar Isaac), hits cinemas on October 7.

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