Ray Fisher who played Cyborg in DC’s Justice League has a long history of feuds with Warner Bros and the company. The Cyborg actor recently called out Rolling Stone, which did an investigative piece on Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Refuting its claim he declined to comment and pointing out the writer’s past error. The report by Rolling Stone had a few major errors that Ray Fiser declined. 

Also read, ‘He Was Like Lex Luthor Wreaking Havoc’: WB Smear Campaign Against Zack Snyder Begins As Snyder Cut Releases on Digital Media

Ray Fisher lashed out at Rolling Stone for its report

Ray Fisher

Ray Fisher took Twitter to respond to the report about, “The Snyder controversy had begun spinning in new directions”. The Cyborg actor slammed the report and called out Rolling Stone as well as the writer, Tatiana Siegel by tagging them in the post and saying, “need to amend this article immediately!” 

The actor later said, “Neither myself nor anyone on my team, EVER declined to comment to Rolling Stone.” Ray Fisher concluded the post by saying “this type of rumor-mill reporting is offensive, dangerous, and willfully evasive of fact.” 

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Response to the Cyborg actor’s post

Ray Fisher
Ray Fisher at SDCC

While responding to the tweet by the Cyborg actor, Rolling Stone’s Noah Shachtman, Editor-In-Chief shared a few screenshots of emails sent to Fisher’s “reps” and wrote, “Here is one of several emails @RollingStone sent your reps.”

Ray Fisher’s Cyborg in DC and its feuds

Ray Fisher  Cyborg
Ray Fisher’s Cyborg in Justice League

Ray Fisher appeared in the DC’s Justice League as Victor Stone, a college athlete who got his powers from the alien technology of the Mother Boxes. His father, Silas Stone was a S.T.A.R. Labs scientist who saved Victor and cybernetically reconstructed him into the techno-enhanced being known as Cyborg.

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Ray Fisher  Cyborg
Cyborg in Justice League

In the past, Ray Fisher has slammed Warner Bros and Justice League director Joss Whedon, tweeting, “Joss Whedon’s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable.” The Cyborg actor has always been at the front about how the company mistreated him. 

Read More, ‘The Hamada Special’: Ray Fisher Trashes DC Films Boss Using The Boys Twitter Post

A few months ago, The actor also reacted to Warner Bros. chairman Toby Emmerich stepping down and expressed his hopes that “we never see the likes of Toby Emmerich again”. Ray Fisher has also called for apologies from the company and criticized Warner Bros. for their lack of response to him and other people of color working in the company. 

Also read, Why HBO Max Should Revive Justice League Unlimited

Source: Twitter

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