People had mixed reviews when Robert Pattinson was cast as The Batman. But then, Matt Reeves delivered the first trailer of the film, and things just looked perfect. It generated a lot of hype at DC FanDome. But in the recent times, we’ve heard rumors of the disputes on set. The YouTube Channel, Overlord DVD revealed the problems that had begun between Reeves on Robert Pattinson.

batman matt robert

The channel stated that when the production began right after the pandemic, Reeves was absolutely outraged to see how Pattinson hadn’t worked out at all. The reports of Pattinson suffering from COVID-19 were claimed to be false. In fact, we got to hear that R-Pattz was given 3 weeks off just so he could get into better shape. But Pattinson outright refused to work out. So, the whole cast and crew have been going through a muddled production.

the batman robert pattinson

Since this scoop came from a YouTube channel with no solid source, people took things with a grain of salt. But now, a major UK based website has reported the disparities between Reeves and Pattinson on the set of The Batman. The Sun states that Robert Pattinson has been “pushed to breaking point by “control freak” director Matt Reeves.”

The website claims to have a source from the set of the film. This source stated:

“Filming has been a gruelling process, especially for Robert, as Matt is such a perfectionist. He’ll insist on doing scenes over and over again and get bogged down in the tiny detail. Some­times it’s like he doesn’t know when to stop.”

matt reeves robert pattinson

Apparently, Reeves has been asking Pattinson and the other actors to deliver 50+ takes for certain scenes. And Pattinson has been complaining about delivering those takes in the bulky Batman suit. So, the cast and crew have really been feeling a lot of unrest and the days are quite tiring on set. The Sun’s source further continued:

“Matt has done block­busters before, but this is another level. Batman is arguably the most popular superhero of all and by the time the film is released it will be the Dark Knight’s first solo movie in ten years.

Warner Bros can’t afford for the fanbase to be disappointed and have thrown £90million at the film. No one is denying that this is a high stakes production and that Matt is feeling the pressure to get it right.

But Robert has had a tough time on these franchise movies before. He hated Twilight by the time it wrapped, and the last thing anyone wants is for him to become jaded.”

batmobile batman

Well, we hope that things will end up well on the set because Pattinson isn’t attached for 1 film. A whole trilogy needs to be carried out. The Batman’s trailer did seem like the work of a total perfectionist. So, Matt Reeves is on point with his work. Hopefully, Pattinson will show a bit of resilience in the rest of the production days. The one thing that’s advantageous for all parties is that The Batman has been pushed to March 4, 2022. So, with the added time, there’s a better chance of the film turning into a success.



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