Being an admirer of Keanu Reeves isn’t a startling fact. Throughout his career, Reeves has established himself as a gentleman in Hollywood. Actors who have worked with Reeves have often praised him for his kind nature. The Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock also looks up to him for his humility.

Bullock and Reeves have appeared together in three films. The two share great chemistry, both off-screen and on-screen. The two have maintained their friendship ever since they met on film sets. Earlier, Bullock spoke about her admiration for the John Wick actor.

Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves
Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves

Sandra Bullock shares her admiration for Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves’s calm and composed demeanor can impress anyone who meets him. The actor has been a charmer among the ladies, as who does not prefer to date a guy with such modesty? Reeves’ co-stars have often been vocal about their experiences working with him. Reeves’ co-star and long-time friend Sandra Bullock also shared her admiration for Reeves.

Also Read: “I don’t want to know what my best angles are.”: Sandra Bullock Is Adamant About Having No S*x Scenes On Films

Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock

The bond between Bullock and Reeves was so strong that fans often speculated that they were a couple. But it was never the case; the two have maintained a beautiful friendship over the years. However, Bullock once revealed that she wouldn’t have minded dating her Speed co-star. Reeves’ humility charmed the Gravity actress to such an extent that she was even ready to face heartbreak from him. The actress said,

“Keanu’s a guy who, I feel like, is friends with every woman he’s ever dated. I don’t think there’s anyone who has something horrible to say about him. So maybe we could have survived. I don’t know. But we didn’t have to survive anything. We just get to grow up together on parallel roads and tip our hats and meet for dinner, and try to work together. And the longer time goes on, the more in awe I am of the human being. Would I have been able to say that if he had dumped me and made me angry? Probably not.”

Intrestinglingly, Reeves and Bullock once separately confessed to having a crush on each other. Despite that, they could never be more than friends, however, they have successfully maintained their year-long friendship.

Also Read: 12 Times Keanu Reeves Proved He is Too Pure For This World

What is the current relationship status of Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves?

Although Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock couldn’t date each other, their friendship is exemplary. Both actors are happy in their current relationships individually.

Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves
Alexandra Grant and Keanu Reeves

The Heat actress has been dating photographer Bryan Randall since 2015. Back in 2010, Bullock adopted a son, and later in 2015, she adopted a daughter. Bullock is currently raising her children with her boyfriend, Randall.

Keanu Reeves, on the other hand, is dating artist Alexandra Grant. Their relationship escalated from platonic to romantic. Reeves prefers keeping his personal life out of the spotlight. However, the duo made their first public appearance in 2019.

Also Read: “I’ll never forget it. I’m going to cry now”: Keanu Reeves Went Out of His Way to Support John Wick 4 Co-Star Before He Passed Away

Source: The Things

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