Spoilers Ahead!

The Moon Knight finale not only welcomed Jake Lockley into the fold but also introduced a new superhero from the shadows. Layla El-Faouly takes over the Scarlet Scarab’s mantle with golden wings as her armor, which is a welcome upgrade over Wonder Woman’s own golden eagle armor from Wonder Woman 1984. And we cannot disagree that Scarlet Scarab donned the armor better.

Moon Knight - Scarlet Scarab vs. Wonder Woman
Moon Knight

Moon Knight’s season finale aired on May 4, and it finished up the plot while also opening up a whole new bucket of worms. We don’t know if a second season will be made or not, but the huge new revelations in episode six, titled “Gods and Monsters,” ends up making us hope that we shouldn’t have watched the finale.

Scarlet Scarab with the golden armor

Layla is dressed in a “wonderful” attire with two blades hooked to golden wings and leg armor, according to Taweret. Although the Scarlet Scarab’s wings have a golden tint to them, they are extremely similar to Wonder Woman’s in her sequel film. The main distinction is that Moon Knight’s Scarlet Scarab outfit is significantly greater in terms of significance and culture.

Scarlet Scarab vs. Wonder Woman
Scarlet Scarab

The armor held no importance for Diana’s Wonder Woman. The Amazon Golden Warrior Asteria wore it first, and she utilized the protecting wings to stop scores of human warriors at once. In the third act of Wonder Woman 1984, Diana uses the wings to fight Cheetah, but the film’s poor narrative and pace fail to address the wings’ special attachment to Diana.

Moon Knight is a great representation of Egyptian Culture

The cultural significance of Layla’s wings also lends credence to the claim that Moon Knight portrays Egypt much more authentically than Wonder Woman 1984. Moon Knight filmmaker Mohamed Diab has slammed Wonder Woman 1984 for its terrible depiction of Egyptian culture, calling the movie a “disgrace” for presenting Egypt as a Middle Ages desert. Moon Knight, on the other hand, does not shy away from portraying Egypt as a trendy, normal nation.

Scarlet Scarab vs. Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman

Fans have been yearning for proper Egyptian representation in films and television shows, and Moon Knight’s newest hero is just that. Wonder Woman 1984 made it appear as though portraying Egypt as a civilized nation with cultural customs was impossible, but Moon Knight showed otherwise by presenting the country and its culture with respect. By doing so, Layla receives the armored wings she deserves and gives her suit a far more significant meaning than Wonder Woman’s.

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