Ever since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry officially separated from the royal family, Markle has not left a stone unturned to confess and prove the allegedly horrible treatment meted out to her based on racial lines. It is universal news that the relations between the Duchess of Sussex and the rest of the British royal family are as tense as it gets.

The couple had migrated to the USA in 2021 and gave a bombshell interview to Oprah Winfrey that splashed a whole lot of dirt on the monarch’s family in the UK. The bad blood is evident in the fact that Prince Charles, now King Charles III, did not want Markle at his dying mother’s bedside, and asked Harry to visit alone. But Meghan Markle herself has been subjected to heavy criticism for a lot of things – victimizing herself in every aspect possible is a prominent one among other reasons. And now, Twitter has found a new Markle footage that’s going viral for all the wrong reasons.

Meghan Markle viral clip shows her being rude to palace aide
Meghan Markle is making headlines again, but not deliberately this time

Also Read: “It wasn’t appropriate for her to be at Balmoral”: King Charles III Reportedly Asked Harry to Not Bring Meghan Markle During Queen Elizabeth’s Last Moments Amidst Troubled Relationship

The viral Meghan Markle clip shows her being rude and dismissive

On September 10, members of the royal family, namely Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle were gathered outside Windsor Castle, greeting a crowd of mourners. It was here that Markle’s brief interaction with a palace aide was caught on camera and is now viral on Twitter.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were outside Windsor Castle addressing mourning masses
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

The video shows Meghan Markle before a throng of people behind fences, wearing a black dress and some pink roses in her hand when a palace aide comes up to her to say or ask something. Although the exchange is not audible, Markle’s facial expression right after she turns around to look at the man and dismiss him is something the netizens have dubbed as that of annoyance. She says something fairly quickly to the aide while pointing towards a direction, followed by a brief smile as her lips can be read as enunciating a “thank you”. 

Also Read: Meghan Markle Pays Heartfelt Tribute To Queen Elizabeth II After Being Unable To Join Her Majesty During Her Final Hours

Twitter is divided

This less than 10-second exchange has attracted tons of backlash for the Duchess of Sussex. The clip already has up to 2.3 million views on it and people are still sharing and commenting on it.

A Twitter user wrote: “Don’t know what it was about, but she certainly looks dismissive and rude.”

While another said, “This doesn’t really give good vibes! Bit embarrassing really.”

Yet another user added, “See how her anger flashes across her face briefly? Then she remembers and says thank you to the poor person trying to help her. Why the rush? Where’s the fire? Did she discover a camera NOT trained on her?”

Several users on Twitter retweeted the video calling out Meghan Markle.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with the Queen
Meghan Markle is always at the public’s gunpoint for her allegedly twisted relationship with the royal family

However, several Twitter users came out in her support, suggesting that nothing about her mannerisms comes off as rude or dismissive.

Another user dubbed the video to give it context, writing that Markle was just telling the aide she had placed flowers at the gate.

Meghan Markle seemingly has people on both sides of the fence, the ones who are in utter support while some who are abjectly against her. The royal family enthusiasts have had and continue to have a problem with Markle. Only time will tell if Markle and Prince Harry would think of coming back and taking their rightful seats in the UK or continue to live in the USA, away from the alleged discrimination.

Also Read: “It takes a lot of effort to forgive”: Meghan Markle to Put Controversial Fire-breathing Podcast on Hold After the Demise of Queen Elizabeth II at 96, Reports Claim She Had Better Relationship With the Queen Than Other Royals

Source: The News

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