Following the podcast Archetypes episode with Jameela Jamil as the guest star, Meghan Markle has once again come under tons of criticism. The episode’s main discussion was on judgments thrown at women in the world of activism. However, not long afterward, some listeners came up with negative criticisms against the Duchess of Sussex. According to them, Markle’s attempt at a British accent was ‘pathetic’ at best. Although it was suggested that Markle did not actually utter the word ‘ello’ (British way to say Hello) but was some editing issue. However, it has not stopped haters and trolls to shower the mother of two with harsh criticisms.

Further, royal commentators and TV hosts also criticized the episode since. Recently TV host Ian Collins and royal commentator Daisy McAndrew shared their thoughts and opinions on the episode. McAndrew claimed the podcast episode sounded inauthentic while Collins criticized Markle for constantly complaining about injustice.

Meghan Markle Gets Trolled Following Archetypes Podcast’s New Episode

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle

Recently, Meghan Markle sat with English actress Jameela Jamil for a new episode of her podcast Archetypes. Unsurprisingly Markle got trolled and criticized once again regarding her attempt at a British accent. At the start of the episode, Jamil as an English person greeted her host Markle with an ‘ello’. The Duchess of Sussex apparently responded with the same ‘ello’. But later it was suggested that it was all an editing issue. Markle actually did not say the word.

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Jameela Jamil
Jameela Jamil

Despite that, it did not take the trolls long to start throwing criticisms at Markle. One tweet referring to the ‘ello’,  read that Markle’s attempt at the English accent was ‘pathetic’. This is not the first time the mother of Archie and Lilibet has been found embroiled in this situation. A CNN reporter back in 2018 also commented something similar about Markle’s speech while addressing the British audience.

Aside from that the whole episode with Jameela Jamil was criticized and both women got trolled harshly on Twitter afterward.

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Commentators Criticize Latest Archetypes Episode

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle

The trolls flooded Meghan Markle as well as guest star Jameela Jamil with hate tweets following the latest Archetypes episode. Now, TV Host, Ian Collins has also criticized the Duchess of Sussex pointing at how she always finds something to complain about. Collins pointed out the ‘peculiar British accent’ referring to Markle apparently greeting Jamil with an ‘Ello’. He also pointed out her constant complaints regarding injustice. Collins said,

“I just find that it has an underpinning, a curious sort of underpinning, to always belch out some kind of imagined injustice,” 

The TV host is not the only one who has something to say about the episode. A royal commentator named Daisy McAndrew also shared her opinions and thoughts regarding Markle’s way of hosting the podcast. She shared, “I find her podcast sounds to me very scripted and quite unspontaneous.” Before that, the royal commentator also shared that she did not approve of the Duchess of Sussex saying, “She has annoyed me intensely in the past.”

According to McAndrew, Meghan Markle’s discussion sounded scripted and unauthentic. She further shared that she wishes that the Duchess of Sussex would “rip up the script”. That way, according to McAndrew, Markle will sound much more authentic, which is the whole point of a podcast.

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